The playboy that broke my heart part 2

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Giyuu pov:

What am I fucking thinking? Going on a date with a playboy, and a bully?! He is attractive though... No, stop it! Your going Giyuu! He's going to be here any minute so calm yourself down!

As I thought that someone called out to me. Of course it had to be that bitch.

"Hey Tomioka! You ready?" He said, trying to cover up what happened this morning. He's not slick, I'm not forgiving or forgetting just yet. (Yes, Scott the dirt bag from Total drama reference.)

I just nodded and he brought me to come sit in his car. I didn't know what kind but it was a nice one. I sat in the passenger seat while he strapped himself into the driver seat.

He twisted the key and the vehicle turned on. He turned on the Radio and the song playing was Golden hour.

He started to drive, and we sat in silence. Before I knew it, I started to sing along.

"I don't need no light to see you shine~~~ it's your golden hour."

"Into singing, eh?" I heard Sabito say, then I immediately stopped and curled into a ball.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, I sing sometimes too." He chuckled.

What is this sudden mood swing? It was like he was the meanest guy in school and everyone feared him, but now he was the sweetest thing.

"Fujikasane, what's with the sudden attitude? You were so mean in school but now your... Different." I asked shyly, hoping he wouldn't get mad at the question.

"I'm just happy to be in a car with a cute boy." He grinned, not taking his eyes of the rode.

I blushed and barried my face into my knees.

"Don't think I'm going to fall for you just like that! I know how many people's hearts you've broken!" I yelled.

"Aw... Whatever, I'll earn your love then. And then one day we will marry each other and all this will be put behind us!" He chuckled.

"Your a big dummy Fujikasane..."

He laughed once again. "Sabito. Call me Sabito."

"Fine, but your still calling me Tomioka." I said quietly, not wanting to skip to a first name basis so suddenly.

"Whatever, Giyuu~~" Sabito said in a flirty tone.

I started yelling at him for the rest of the ride, then eventually we reached a fancy diner. It was big, but surprisingly no cars were here.

"Uhm, is the place closed? No one else is here."

"Nah, I rented the entire thing out for us tonight, pretty cheep honestly."

Maybe for you because your just insanely rich...

I just nodded and we walked inside.

"Mr. Fujikasane! You've arrived! Please, follow me." A waitress said.

Sabito walked behind her, and I walked next to him.

Jeez, how much does this guy work out? He looks like a tank compared to me, and not just in muscle either, he's also really tall. Or I'm just really short and week. No... Even Kocho has more muscle than me.

The waiter let us to a balcony, with one table outside. The table was definitely one of those fancy dinner tables couples usually go for dates on.

We sat down across from each other and just stared into each other's eyes for a few moments.

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