Demon Giyuu x Sabito

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This was suggested by @OtiliaDuck
Warning! Homophobic Shinobu.

The little demon cuddled closer to the older slayer, hiding his face in the slayers Haori.
Sabito smiled and picked Giyuu up, nesting the little boy in his arms.
As the demon looked around the city, he saw many people glancing his way.
Probably due to the Bamboo muzzle in his mouth.
Giyuu cuddled his head into Sabito's neck, attempting to fall asleep.
But as Sabito slightly shifted it woke Giyuu.
The ravenette gave the Peachette a glance that was asking 'What's going on?'
"There something near by.. " Sabito said calmly and swiftly, whipping his head around with his hair gently tugging behind.
The Lavender gaze stopped at one particular spot, an alleyway.
The Peachette gently put the Ravenette down and motioned for him to get in his box.
The Peachette slowly and cautiously stalked towards the alleyway, his hand on his blade in case.
When he finally was in the alleyway he looked around.
Nothing was out of the usual for him.
The he heard Giggling above him, and Sabito whipped his head up and towards the sound.
It was like time stopped as a female demon pounced on him.
Sabito's sword and box flew away from him.
The Peachette got worried for the little demon in the box, getting bounced around.
The female demon continued to giggle as she sat on top of Sabitos stomach, punching repeatedly at his head but missed since Sabito kept moving his head.
"Wow! Your are such a cutie! I am honored to be able to kill you!" She said in an out of breath voice as she continued punching at full sleep.
(Her voice kinda sounds like Toga's from mha).
Giyuu was in the box, eyes widened as she heard her talking to HIS Sabito like that.
"My! If you were a demon! I would even date you!!!" She continued, giggling still.
That is what cracked Giyuu as he kicked open the box.
The demon girl turned her head towards The Ravenette.
"What are you supposed to be?" She snorted at him, raising one of her eye brows.
"Demon or Human? Female or Male?" She asked.
"And what's your name?" She continued.
Giyuu just stood there growling at her to get off Sabito.
She then removed a piece of hair blocking one of her eyes, revealing the number 'Upper 5'.

(Yes I'm replacing Gyokko. Don't hate me for it)

She giggled, as she pointed to the number.
Sabito's eyes widened, and he looked towards Giyuu, pointing towards his Katana.
Giyuu nodded and sprinted towards the Katana, getting there in 2 seconds flat.
The demon girls eyes widened.
"So, you are a demon and male, tell me your name." She said, growling.
The Ravenette shook his head, growling back at her.
In one swift move the demon girl crushed one of Sabito's legs and grabbed the Katana ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ
from Giyuu tossing it aside once more.
(Giyuu is in his child form still.)
Sabito screamed in agony and Giyuu's eyes widened.
Giyuu bit the bamboo muzzle, snapping it off of him.
He enlarged himself, making him that of an 18 year old again.
(That's how old I decided they are.)
"Now, I will ask once more, What. Is. Your. NAME?!" She yelled, making her high voice completely disappear and replaced with a monstrous voice.
Giyuu winced and quietly replied with, "Tomioka, Tomioka is my name..."
"Finally, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" She said innocently, her high voice returning.
Sabito in the background crawled towards his Katana, his crushed leg basically screaming at him to stop moving, but he couldn't leave poor Giyuu to deal with this thing.
The demon girl pounced at Giyuu.
Giyuu jumped out of the way, them jumping onto her back, smashing her into the ground.
Sabito finally retrieved his Katana, he grabbed it and stood up, his leg aching.
He then charged at the demon slicing at her head.
She ducked but Sabito's blade flipped around and sliced her arm.
Giyuu ran away from the fight, so he wouldnt get in the way.
The demon girl glared and Punched Sabito in the gut, breaking 3 of his ribs.
Sabito passed out, lying unconscious on the floor.
"May I ask why a demon is fighting alongside a human?" She asked, her gaze darting toward the cowardly and scared Ravenette.
She then appeared in front of Him and made Giyuu unconscious as well.
Them both lying unconscious on the floor, she smiled, knowing she won.
"By the way, my name is Kanamishiki." She said as she walked slowly towards Sabito.
But then Something flew at Kanamishiki, and the next second, her head was off.
"What the? Who did this?!" She yelled, but she couldn't see who had cut her head because she was facing the opposite direction.
The demon was gone.
The Hashira that had cut the demons head picked Giyuu (who had gone back to his child form) up and set him in the box.
Then they picked the box up and swing it over their back silently.
(Any guesses who it is?)
They then walked over to the roughly beat up Sabito.
Their hair Swished a bit in the wind, as they picked Sabito up, bridal style.
They then started sprinting to get the back to headquarters to get them healed.
As they ran Sabito woke up.
The hashira looked down at the newly woken Peachette.
He then jumped out of the hashira's arms, tumbling to the ground as they hashira came to a halt, staring down at the injured boy.
"Who are you?! And wheres Giyuu?!" He yelled to the hashira.
"Giyuu? As in the demon boy that laid unconscious with you?" They asked.
"Yeah!" Sabito said as he noticed his box on the hashira's back.
Sabito snatched the box and opened it, seeing a sleeping Giyuu curled inside it.
He lightly brought the sleeping boy out and layed him on his chest.
The moonlight shimmered in the Ravenettes hair.
"Uhm, about your other question, I am Muichiro Tokito, the Mist hashira, I found you unconscious with the upper 5 demon, don't worry I slayed it." He said in an completely monotone voice.
He looked at the Mist hashira, completely confused, he never saw this hashira at his trial with the hashira for Giyuu, and he looked quite younge, maybe around 12, and he carried Giyuu and himsef, who were 6 years older, for who knows how long.
"How long have you been a hashira?" Sabito asked, with a brow raised.
"3 weeks." Muichiro replied calmly, watching 2 birds fly around together in the air.
That explains it, he knewly became a hashira.
Sabito thought as he looked at the little demon boy sleeping on his chest, then back at the Mist hashira.
"And when did you join the corps?" Sabito continued, being more serious in his tone of voice.
"2 months ago." Muichiro said looking back down from the birds and at Sabito.
THIS GUY BECAME A HASHIRA IN LIKE, A MONTH?! Goddamn, he must be skilled. Sabito thought with a madish look on his face.
"Anyway, we should be getting back to head quarters now, you have 3 broken ribs and one of your legs are crushed." Muichiro said, his calm calm voice never faltering.
Sabito nodded and attempted to get up but his crushed leg and broken ribs forced him back down.
"I suppose I have to continue to carry you?" The Mist hashira said, a annoyed look on his face.
Sabito nodded and rubbed the back of his neck, abruptly feeling something shift on his chest.
The little demon boys eyes fluttered open and he tilted his chin up, looking at the Scarred Peachette.
Giyuu smiled pushing his belly off Sabito and then pushing himself to his feet.
Giyuu went back to his size of 5'7.
(Giyuu is 5'7, Sabito is 6'1 and Muichiro is 5'2)
Giyuu's muzzle was still broken.
Giyuu whipped his head around and looked at the small hashira.
"Who are you?" He questioned.
"Arg... I'm tired of my name being asked..." Muichiro murdered but continued, "I am Muichiro Tokito, the Mist hashira, I became a hashira 3 weeks ago and joined the corps 2 months ago." Muichiro finished, repeating all the information he shared with Sabito to Giyuu.
"We have to get back to head quarters now or your friend over the will die." Muichiro said, pointing to Sabito.
Giyuus head turned towards Sabito and his eyes widened.
Giyuu then turned into an adult sized human, becoming a undeniable 5'11.
He then picked Sabito up on his back, looking towards Muichiro.
"So I don't have to carry you guys? Good because that gets tiring when your going at a full sprint," Muichiro said in his monotone voice once again  then continuing, "now we wasted enough time here, let's get back to head quarters."
They headed at a full sprint towards head quarters getting there at almost sunrise.
When they arrived, Giyuu quickly got into the box and Sabito whipped the box onto his back.
Muichiro then lifted Sabito onto his back since Giyuu was not there to carry him anymore.
When they arrived Kochou realised it was her least favorite slayer with the demon she hated so dearly.
But it was her job to heal so she quickly took them to her little hospital room thing (idk).
"So, what did you do Sabito?" Kochou asked with a bitchy look on her face.
"I broke 3 of my ribs, and crushed my leg." Sabito said, sending a glare back to her.
"And where's your demon 'boyfriend?' " She asked.
"In this box." Sabito replied, smirking.
Shinobu rolled her eyes and called for Aoi.
"Aoi, you take care of him. Thank you." Shinobu said as she left the room.
Aoi rolled her eyes, going and tending to Sabito.
When she was finished, Sabito smiled and thanked her, as Aoi guided him to a room he could stay in.
When they arrived Aoi shut the curtains and left them by there selves.
Giyuu crawled out of his box and into the bed with Sabito, turning normal sized.
Sabito smiled and kissed Giyuus for head.
Then they curled up together and fell asleep.
Sabito squeezed the Ravenette tight in his sleep, not going to let go.

Not ever.

(Their sleeping pose) 1726 words

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(Their sleeping pose)
1726 words

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