Giyuu turned small.

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Inspired by the image above.
Basically Giyuu for some reason turned small and Sabito was the one who found him. Sabito then had to take care of him like that for 24 hours.

Sabito (for some reason I really wanted to spell Sabitchto) was walking through headquarters looking for Giyuu, his boyfriend.
He spotted Sanemi, looking for something as well.
Sanemi was Sabito's least favorite person in the world, that being because he has a crush on Giyuu, and has tried to rape him a few times (Sabito always got there before he could though.)
Kochou also had a crush on Giyuu, but he didn't really mind Kochou (I just realized how to spell that lol) having a crush on him, he knew she wouldn't do anything.
He went up to Sanemi and asked "What are you looking for?" Sanemi glared at his arch nemesis and just simply said, "Your boyfriend." While smirking.
Sabito glared back, and said, "Me too, but what do you need him for?" Truely, Sanemi was going to try and have sex with him again, but he couldn't tell Sabito that, so he lied.
"Master Kagaya wants him." Sanemi lied simply.
"Well, when I find him I will send him to master." He growled at Sanemi, emphasizing the world I.
"Master told ME to find him." Sanemi argued back.
Then eventually all the hashira plus Sabito were looking for Giyuu.
Sabito was looking for him when he heard a tiny squeak in the bushes.
He saw a small Giyuu getting eatan and smushed by a bird.
Sabito ran and sliced the head off the bird picking the tiny Giyuu up and examining him.
"Woah, Baby, your so tiny." He said to the tiny little boy I'm his hand.
Giyuu could only squeak in return.
Sabito smiled and tucked Giyuu into his pocket.
"I found him!" Sabito yelled to the rest of the people looking.
"Where is he?" Mitsuri asked.
Sabito then reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny Giyuu.
All the hashira crowded around him.
"Wow, how can he be so small?" Obanai asked. "Thats the tiniest human I have ever seen." Muichiro said, in his normal voice. "He's adorable!" Shinobu beamed.
Sanemi quickly grabbed Giyuu from Sabito, looking at him more closely.
The peach haired male glared at Sanemi and snatched the ravenette back.
Sanemi glared at Sabito but then just growled and walked off.
The tiny blue eyed male yawned and went to sleep in Sabito's hand.
Sabito smiled at the tiny figure and walked to his room.
He then curled up in his bed and fell asleep with the tiny Giyuu.
(It was like 9:00 P.M when they found Giyuu.)
When Sabito woke up Giyuu was his normal size again, sleeping right next to Sabito, cuddling up against him for warmth.
Sabito smiled and ran his fingers through Giyuu's dark silky hair.

482 words.

I decided to make something short this time. Since of how long the other 2 were. Anyways, if you want something to be done you can request it if you like, I may do it if I like the Idea. All requests are accepted no matter what they are. If it's smut or lemon I am probably more likely not to do it because I don't really feel comfortable writing it, I just made an exception for that last story, anyways Byeeeeeee.

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