A knight and his prince.

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The prince of the kingdom walked through the halls of his palace, specifically towards his own room.
The sounds of footsteps echoes through the halls as he entered his room.
The ravenette looked around.
He noticed a rose sitting on his desk, with a note shaped like a heart beside it.
He at first thought, Sanemi?
He then realised this was much too romantic for him.
His next thought was Shinobu.
Then he realised she was at home on break.
He walked up to the desk with the stuff on it.
He looked at the letter and it read.
Dear Giyuu,
You are the star of my life.
Without you I hope to die.
Thinking of you makes me blush.
After Talking with you I feel like fainting.
Please, meet me in the gardens at midnight.
What? It's not signed..
Giyuu thought as he sighed.
I guess I'll see whom tonight...
Giyuu picked up the rose and Heald it up to his nose, sniffing it.
He then clutched it to his chest and quietly said, "There only one person in this world I would go out with... "
Giyuu gently grabbed an empty vase and carefully put the rose in the pot.
Giyuu walked out of his room and in to the halls of the palace.
He walked down the red carpet, then hearing someone call out his name he looked to see Sabito jogging after him.
"Hey Sabito..." Giyuu said in a monotone voice.
"Hey love." Sabito said with a teasing tone.
Giyuu blushed a bit and looked down.
"Anyway, I got a love note, it said to meet them in the gardens at midnight." Giyuu said as he walked up to Sabito, moving a strand of his hair away from the beautiful lavander eyes.
They were like that for a moment until Sabito spoke.
"Who's it from?" He questioned with a curious face.
"I'm not quite sure..." Giyuu said, they walked down s staircase, heading to the outside lounging area. "It didn't say the name of whom it was from on the note.." Giyuu finished.
"Hm.. Mysterious, honestly, that sounds like something Uzui would, he might say it's, Flashy to not put your name on a love note." Aoi, one of the maids butted in.
Giyuu jumped and landed in Sabito's lap.
Aoi and Sabito smirked at each other.
Giyuu let out a relieved sigh.
"Aoi! You scared me..." Giyuu said barrying his face in Sabito's chest.
"I know." Aoi said with a smug grin.
We then heard grunting sprinting toward us.
And in an instant, Aoi was gone, whipped away by the board headed gaurd.
(Quick break to go feed me horses)
Sabito chuckled and looked down at Giyuu.
Giyuu the realised the position they were in and was about to push himself off Sabito out of embarrassment, but the Lavander eyed boy stopped him.
"It's ok, you can stay on my lap if you want." Sabito said in a calm voice, gently stroking Giyuu's hair.
Giyuu settled down and just sat there, embarrassed.
Eventually it was time for dinner so The ravenette got up and went to the dinner table.
When he arrived the maids were running around trying to get the dinner table ready.
Aoi was filling glasses with drinks.
Kanoe was putting silverware on the table along with Nezuko putting the plates on.
And Mitsuri was cooking dinner.
Giyuu went and sat down at the table, waiting for the rest of his family to arrive and for dinner to be ready.
Tsutako, his sister, walked in.
She was wearing a flowery Kimono along with her small tiara sitting delicately on her head.
All the maids bowed their heads to their future queen.
Tsutako, being much older than Giyuu, was next to inherit the thrown after there mother, along with her husband, Masho(A character I made).
Unlike most princesses she chose who she wanted to marry.
Giyuu greated his sister and her husband, then walked back to were he was sitting before.
Some more guards arrived in the room, such as, Obanai, Uzui, Tanjiro, Sabito, Genya and Inosuke.
Sabito smiled warmly at Giyuu when he walked in with Tanjiro.
All the guards who had just arrived walked to there assigned spots for the feast.
When there parents walked in everyone bowed at them.
There parents sat down and everyone started to feast.
Everyone was talking amongst thereselves, but the ocean blue eyed male pictured himself alone at that dinner table, eating peacefully with no interuptions.
Until one Tsutako cleared her voice and said, "I have an announcement!" Everyone turned there attention to the princess, as she continued. ("I have some exciting news, GIYUU IS GAY!" Jk) "I have some exciting news, I know I am very younge and only in my twenties, but.. I am having a baby!" Everyone looked towards her in excitement.
Giyuu and everyone else congratulated her.
As the ravenette finished he bowed his head and excused himself.
At least tonight won't be on me. Giyuu thought as he headed towards his room.
As he entered he saw the rose in the vase, the same as it was before.
The rose reminded him of the little meet up with someone.
Giyuu sighed and decided to go to this meet up anyway, even though he only love one person.
It was about 7:30, so he needed to find something to do before going to see who had sent this letter.
Giyuu ended up taking a nap till 11:35.
When he woke up he checked the time, realizing it was almost time.
He put on some nicer clothes and he ran a comb threw his hair.
He left his room and started walking towards the garden.
He bumped into Aoi on his way, completely knocking her down along with the laundry she was carrying.
"You have to watch were your going Mister prince boy. Wait- why are you out right now anyway?" Aoi asked, confusion taking over her features.
"Oh right, you got a love letter." She reminded herself.
"Ye-" Giyuu was about to say something but got cut off.
"Well have fun with thaaaat~" Aoi said picking up her laundry and walked away.
Giyuu tried processing what she just said but shook it off.
The ravenette checked his phone and realized it was 11:55.
He put his phone back in his pocket quickly and started to quickly head to the gardens.
When he got there, no one presented themselves.
Until he saw Sabito looking at some roses that looked suspiciously like the one he had in his room from the love letter human.
He walked over to Sabito.
"Why might you be here this late?" The ravenette asked, secretly hoping The peachette was the one who sent the love note.
"Oh, uh... I'm here to see the flowers..." Sabito said with a half smile.
Giyuu looked at him with a "Mhm" look on his face.
"May I know the actual reason your here?" The prince asked.
"Well, uh, I sent the note..." The knight said with an awkward smile.
Giyuu's eyes widened, and a ear to ear smile grew on his face.
Sabito smiled back and they pulled each other close.
"So I'm guessing that means you accepted my feelings?" Sabito asked.
"Yes yes yes!" Giyuu yelled slightly.
"Calm down! We're not getting married. Yet." Sabito said, whispering the last part.
They then heard rustling in the bush. "Shh they'll hear us!" " I can't see!" "Move!" Shushed voices said.
Then out of the blue, a bunch of people fell out of the bush, including, Mitsuri, Tanjiro, Inosuke, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Makomo, Tsutako, Aoi, Uzui, Makio Suma, Hinatsaru, and Genya.
"How did all of you fit in that small bush?!" Sabito said yelling slightly with a confused tone in a pose were his legs were slightly more spread and his arms out more.
Uzui shrugged and Suma said, "It was very squishy!"
"I told them they shouldnt be doing this, but no one ever listens to me!" Aoi shouted.
Giyuu stood there, white as a ghost from shock and embarrassment.
Inosuke bopped Zenitsu on the head and they started to fight.
Zenitsu then fell asleep.
Everyone had a look of terror and they yelled, "SCATTER!!!"
Zenitsu started running around chasing people.
Everyone except Giyuu was running. Sabito quickly dashed to the rescue, grabbing Giyuu bridal style and running with him.
They ran all the way back to the ravenette's room.
Sabito gently sat down on Giyuu's bed, sitting Giyuu on his lap.
When Giyuu finally came back to earth, he looked at Sabito.
Sabito smiled at him.
Giyuu smiled back at him.
The lavander eyed knight leaned forward.
"May I?" He asked.
"You may." Giyuu confirmed.
They then kissed passionately.
When they pulled away Sabito said in a seductive tone.
"Kissing the prince is an honor."
Giyuu blushed and Sabito yawned.
"God I'm tierd." He said and fell asleep on Giyuu's bed.
Giyuu smiled and fell asleep on Sabito's chest.

1515 words
Sorry for the late update. It was delayed for awhile. Anyway, happy thanks giving! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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