You have to accept it...

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It was after final selection and Giyuu walked back to Urokodaki's home.
He was looking down at the ground, horrified.
When he eventually reached the old man's home he fell to his knees and started to sob in the doorway.
Urokodaki came immediately and saw Giyuu sitting there crying, without Sabito.
"Giyuu, are you alright?! Where's Sabito...?" Urokodaki said, already guessing what had happened.
Giyuu answer between sobs, "He... Is... Go-ne..." The ocean blue eyed boy's voice cracked as he said gone.
Giyuu continued to cry a mess in the middle of Urokodaki's place.
Giyuu then got up and walked to the room Urokodaki provided him and sat on the futon he had claimed.
He looked towards the empty futon beside him, Sabito's... Giyuu thought, he then wiped the tears from his eyes and remembered his last moments with him.

A demon charged at the 2 boys, as everyone fled from the huge mutated demon.
Sabito quickly slayed the demon coming at them and look towards a boy getting attacked by a demon. Sabito went to save the boy from the demon and Giyuu followed him.
Sabito quickly slayed the demon and looked towards the hand demon.
"I have to slay that thing..." Sabito whispered but Giyuu heard it clearly.
"What! No! You'll die!" Giyuu shouted towards the peach haired boy.
"And if I don't everyone else will die!" Sabito shouted back with sharp words, then realizing that he shouted at the little ravenette.
Giyuu was now slightly crying.
Sabito pulled Giyuu in and kissed him on the lips.
Giyuu was surprised and stood there, confused.
It was like time just stopped.
The mutated hand demon was still going crazy behind them.
But it was like it all just slowed down.
Giyuu kissed back hesitantly.
Sabito then smiled at him and whispered a small "I'm sorry" and ran towards the giant demon.
Giyuu tried to run after him but the boy Sabito had saved held him back.
The ravenette yelled at the black haired boy to let go.

Giyuu sobbed in his bed once again, he could almost feel the presence of Sabito in the room with him, like old times.
Giyuu then cried himself to sleep.
*Once he become a hashira*
Giyuu was walking through headquarters, looking towards his feet.
He walked to the room he was sleeping in.
He then brought out a fox like mask that had a scar on the left side of its mouth.
He hugged the mask tight.
Sabito... please come back, I miss you...
Giyuu thought as Muichiro entered his room.
"Hey, Tomioka." Muichiro said, a half smile on his face.
Muichiro was the only person Giyuu told about his past.
Muichiro sat down next to him and put his hand on Giyuu's shoulder.
"I miss him so much..." Giyuu said, still crying.
"I know.." Muichiro said looking down towards the ground.
"But you have me, Rengoku, Shinobu and all of the other hashira's." Muichiro said, fully smiling now.
Shinobu and Rengoku knew a bit of the truth.
They knew that Giyuu's haori consisted of 2 people he loved dearly, and they knew that the mask he always carried around was his bestfriends.
But they didn't know anything beyond that.
"Yeah.. I guess." Giyuu admitted.
"Tomioka, I think it's time you let go.. You have to accept it, I know his death will wound you for life but you have to move on. For everyone's sake." Muichiro said hesitantly, hoping he didn't trigger something in his friend...
Giyuu nodded slowly and walked away, heading to a cliff he liked to hangout at.
He arrived there and looked down.
At the bottom was a little pool of water with sharp rocks poking out of it.
He backed away from the edge and sat underneath the lonely tree up there.
He then got up and looked down again, preparing to end it all.
"No one cares anyway..." Giyuu said before he jumped.
Then something caught his one arm and held him there, saying in a deep voice...

"I care"

Hope you enjoyed this! I will make a part 2 but for now I will leave you guessing on who caught him. Cya!!!

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