A crack in the world and my heart

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I'm going to explain what's going on so you have a better hold on the plot. No demons. (All the demons are humans now)
So technically the earth got hit with an asteroid, snapping it in half. The two halves are also cracking. Giyuu and Sabito live on the one half call prosmania. Where everyone is trying to fix the earth and live in harmony. The other half is called Caomania. Where everyone is not living harmoniously and is fighting for land. Most of the population is gone on both halves.
DouKaza, UzuRen, GenMui, SaneOba/ObaMitsu, slight ShinoMitsu, EnMuz, AoIno, Tankana, ZenuNezu.
All are 14-18 years old.
Giyuu POV:
I ran as another part of Prosmania cracked in half, lighting up the area around us and making my eyes glow.
I stopped moving for a moment and all my sense of living dissapeared as I walked towards the crack that would most certainly kill me if I fell in it.
Right as I was about to fall someone dragged me back.
"Stop being a idiot Tomioka-san! You're going to kill yourself!" The girl with a butterfly hair clip yelled as she pulled me along to get me back to their group.
I looked at her in wonder as to why she didn't just let me fall, I thought she had hated me.
As we returned to the group we nicknamed 'The survivors' Sabito ran up to me after hearing what Shinobu had to say about what I did and hugged me.
"Giyuu! How dare you. You can't kill yourself no matter what! You have to stay with me!" The peachette yelled at him as I stared at him in wide eyes.
Sabito POV:
I realized I raised my voice at the ravenette for the first time and covered my mouth.
"Giyuu I'm sor-" I started but then Giyuu weakly smiled at me and then turned around to talk to Makomo.
I felt quite quilty for yelling at the little man I loved.
'Well, he probably doesn't love me back, he shows signs of affection towards Makomo and Shinobu, he's probably not even gay...' I thought as my gaze fell to the floor and my fingers traveled to fidget with my Kimono.
I went to talk with Uzui as we found a place to camp for the night.
Building any sort of permanent shelter in this new world was pointless as it would probably getting destroyed within the week it was built.
I looked over to my left and saw Douma who was talking to an annoyed Akaza while Kokushibo sharpened a sword.
I looked to my right and saw Sanemi flirting with Obanai while Mitsuri yelled at him for it grabbing onto Obanai's arm while doing so.
Shinobu walked up to me and said that Makomo and Giyuu had gone off to forage food for the next day.
I slowly nodded and went to sit down near the fire.
I stared into the bright flames, many thoughts which I had shoved to the back of my mind since I never had time to think about them scattering around my brain.
Suddenly Muichiro and Genya came and sat beside me.
"You feeling ok, Sabito-San?" Genya asked in a confused tone as he stared into the fire.
I looked to the couple who where cuddling, Genya sat on his butt with his legs up while Muichiro sat between his legs in a similar position, then looked back to the fire and paused.
"I guess I'm fine." I finally responded, not taking his gaze from the fire.
"You don't sound fine." Muichiro confronted the tone in Sabitos voice with his own Monotone one.
"Well, I think Giyuu hates me now..." I said sadly, his gaze averting away from the fire to look at them.
"I'm sure he doesn't hate you.. He just... Yeah he might hate you." Muichiro added, laughing a slight bit.
No ones pov:
Genya elbowed Muichiro in the side.
"He doesn't hate you, Sabito-San, he just needs time to cool down after that." Genya said, glaring down at Muichiro and the little male just huffed and looked away, probably remembering he was the younger of the two and in general the youngest in this whole group.
Muichiro crossed his arms and leaned into the older male, closing his eyes and falling asleep.
Genyas face lit red and he stiffened as he looked down to see his sleeping boyfriend.
Sabito laughed slightly and got up to leave the lovebirds alone.
Giyuu pov:
Makomo and I got back, seeing as everyone has mostly gone to sleep together in there sleeping bags.
Douma and Akaza shared a dark blue sleeping bag, Douma having his arms wrapped tightly around Akazas chest from behind, like a mother protecting her baby.
Mitsuri had been cuddled up to Obanai and Sanemi had been cuddled up to him on the other side of Mitsuri. Obanai looked quite squished and embarrassed. But if you looked closely you could see Shinobu lightly hanging onto Mitsuri.
You could also see that Uzui and Rengoku were clearly making out before they had fallen asleep, since they're faces were close together and Uzui's arms were firmly wrapped around Rengokus waist and Rengokus arms reached to put them around Uzui's neck.
Genya and Muichiro had still been laying by the fire.
I walked over and put Genya and Muichiros sleeping bag over them then turned to my own.
I lie out then see Sabito had been gone.
I look around for him but I didn't see anything.
I just crossed my fingers and hoped he was okay, then got into my sleeping bag.
I see Makomo do the same as she turned around and went to sleep.
I breifly caught the image of Muzan protectively sitting beside a sick Enmu's sleepingbag, keeping a watch for anything that could hurt him.
Honestly, those two have relationship goals.
I also saw Inosuke doing the same thing with Aoi except I'm pretty sure Aoi just kicked him out of her sleeping bag.
He cuddled under the cushions of his sleeping bag and fell asleep.
Sabitos pov:
I arrived back at camp, seeing as Giyuu and Makomo had arrived with many berries and different foods they had seen around the forest.
He looked to see everyone sleeping peacefully except Obanai who had been laying there with a firm blush on his face from being cuddled by two people at once, Inosuke, who had been guarding Aoi since she didn't feel like cuddling that night, and Muzan, who had been guarding a sick Enmu, who had gotten a fever and Muzan was quite worried for him.
He also saw Zenitsu cuddling Nezuko while she just slept peacefully.
Tanjiro and Kanao had also been cuddling, but they were facing each other with there arms wrapped around each other's body's.
I looked to see Giyuu sleeping alone in his light grey sleepingbag.
I looked closer at Giyuu to see he had been shivering.
I quickly grabbed my sleepingbag and put on his to act as another blanket for him.
Then I sat beside Giyuu and stared at him for awhile.
I examined his black silky locks, that looked to have moon dust in it.
I looked at his small, profound features, that looked more womanly then manly.
I also looked at his prefect body.
I looked at his overly sized chest, which honestly just looked like man tits, and his small waist and big thighs.
I then yawned and curled up on the grass beside Giyuu and fell asleep.
No pov:
Giyuu woke up in the middle of the night, looking to his side to see Sabito sleeping peacefully.
He then realised that Sabito had not sleeping bag and his Dark green one had in fact, been piled on top of his own.
Giyuu got out of his sleeping bag and tried shaking Sabito awake.
Sabito grumbled and opened his eyes.
"Yuu..? What do you need?" Sabito asked in a tired voice seeing the worry in Giyuus eyes.
"Are you ok? Why did you give me your sleeping bag?!" Giyuu whisper shouted at the older male.
Sabito just smiled softly and shivered a bit.
"You were shivering so I wanted to make sure you were warm." Sabito said, his smile fading away as he shivered a bit.
"You dumbass, your going to catch a cold." Giyuu said as he sat on Sabito's stomach, lightly hitting his chest.
Sabito smiled and grabbed Giyuus waist pulling him to lay ontop of him.
Giyuu flushed a deep shade of red, barrying his face in Sabito's chest.
"Dummy, we should at least lay in the sleeping bag...." Giyuu quietly said.
"Oh, yeah! I guess we should, shouldn't we love?" Sabito laughed out.
Giyuu wouldn't admit it, but he really liked Sabitos laugh, it wasn't loud, nor quiet, it was light but adorable, it kind of brought you at peace with the world.
Sabito got into his sleeping bag, pulling Giyuu in with him.
Giyuu layed on Sabitos chest again, listening to the quiet sounds of Sabitos heartbeat pounding against it.
Sabito gently stroked Giyuus hair, helping the younger to fall asleep.
Giyuu closed his eyes lightly, falling asleep a few seconds after.
Sabito smiled, it was like the crack in his heart that had been formed when his parents had died, just healed, and it was all thanks to the cute ravenette sleeping in his arms.
If only Giyuu could fix the crack in the world, and his heart.
The peachette relaxed, yawning and letting his eyes slowly relax, falling asleep.
The next day the ravenette was the first to wake up, being trapped in the strong grip of the other.
The ravenette tried to shift and wake up Sabito but it failed when Sabito growled lightly in his sleep.
He looked over to Akaza who was also trapped in Doumas grip.
Akaza gave a 'help me' signal because douma had been squeezing him to tightly.
Giyuu motioned that he couldn't help either and they looked over to Muichiro who had woken up too, being free since Genya hadn't latched into him.
They both gave help me signals and Muichiro rolled his eyes, getting up and kicking Douma in the face.
"Wake the fuck up idiot Blondie," then he came and did the same to Sabito, "You also wake up you giant simp." He finished.
Akaza was laughing, finally being free from Doumas grip, while Douma was doing a pouty face rubbing his face.
"Okay, okay, I'm up, god, your so harsh sometimes Tokito." Sabito winced.
"Yeah, and?" The black and mint haired male said.
"Your very harsh for a 14 year old." Genya said, suddenly popping up behind Muichiro, wrapping his arms around the youngers waist.
"Oh, Genya, good morning. I'm only being harsh because these 2 idiots," he pointed towards Douma and Sabito, "Where squeezing the fucking life out of poor Tomioka and Akaza." Muichiro said, pouting a little bit.
"Language Mui, but I get why you did that." Genya replied to his boyfriend in a gentle tone.
Muichiro made a little 'hmph' noise before turning and whispering something to his boyfriend.
Genya then nodded and they left a moment after.
Douma and Akaza both agreed to out for materials.
That left Sabito and Giyuu alone.
Sabito stared at Giyuus plump, pink lips.
Giyuu looked away, feeling slightly uncomfortable.
"Hey, Yuu, what are we?"
"What do you mean?" Giyuu replied, looking back at Sabito with his long Raven black hair tagging along behind his head.
"I mean, we sleep together every night, so does that make us... Y'know?" Giyuu blushed slightly at this, looking down now.
He fidgeted with the black yukata he was wearing, thinking for a minute.
"W-would you like us to be?" He asked nervously, awaiting Sabitos reply.

2001 words

K, that was that. If you want a part 2 lemme know and I'll start, sorry for the delay, I'm working on a Doukaza book rn too.

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