Highschool romance

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This whole thing will be in Sabito's pov, unless I decided to go 3rd or Tomioka pov. Also btw this story was inspired by another Sabigiyuu book called Baby boy.

So we have a new student eh? I think as I sit down in class.
"Everyone we have a new student so please be kind to him." The teacher announced motioning for him to come in.
I heard the girls in that back talking saying stuff like, 'I hope he's hot' 'I wonder if he's cute?'
The new student then walked in and I gasped quietly.
He was gorgeous.
He was short with raven black hair and ocean blue eyes.
He did a sly wave, looking away shyly.
I heard snickering and glared at them because most were like, 'that's disappointing' 'he's ugly' 'I can't wait to attack him after class.'
The teacher pointed him to sit in the desk next to mine.
He went to the seat and sat down, the teacher continued the lesson.
After class we were all dismissed for like a half an hour break.
The new student left the classroom and went straight to his locker.
I watched as some people came up to him and started saying mean things to him. They even start to punch him and throw him against the locker.
I then made eye contact with one of them, Sanemi.
I walked over there and asked, "Hey, what 're you doin?" I sounded like I was interested and wanted to join in, but I made my voice do that, to give them a false sense of security.
The new kid looked up at me in fear, probably because of how big and muscular I was, I could probably send him to the hospital if I wanted.
"Just giving the quiet, ugly, new kid a lesson on who's boss." One of the others said.
"May I join?" I asked.
"Sure!" The other said.
Sanemi had a suspicious look on his face but nodded.
I then grabbed Sanemi's collar of his shirt and threw him all the way across the hall. (There the only ones in that hall way.) The grabbed the other 2 and threw them in the lockers, getting them passed out. Sanemi got back up and walked to me. "Watcha think your doing, Sabito?!" Sanemi asked, voice raised and mad.
"Helping some in need of help." I said then quickly knocked Sanemi out.
The new kid looked so confused, but then he realized that I was bleeding in multiple spots and had bruises all over my face.
He rushed over to me and grabbed my hand, taking me to an empty classroom.
He sat me down in a desk and grabbed a kleenex from his pocket and cleaned up the blood, then he brought out so bandaids and put the over the cuts. Then he put something on the bruises.
"D-does that feel better?" He asked.
God his voice was so sweet and gentle. I nodded and thanked him.
I then asked him a question, "What is your name? Or should I just call you cutie?" I said in a flirty way. He flushed a deep red and said, "Giyuu Tomioka."
"Well Giyuu, nice to meet you, I'm Sabito Fujikasane." (Idk if that's his last name but that's what showed up when I searched up his last name.)
"Y-you too Fujikasane..." he said in return. God he was adorable. "Call me Sabito." I said smiling at him. "O-ok Sabito.." He said. "Why were they picking on you?" I asked the adorable little boy.
"Because I'm weird, quiet, ugly, dumb, uncool, to kind, a crybaby, coward and boring." He said looking down and on the verge of tears. I stood up from the desk and said, "Hey hey hey, it's ok, I don't think you any of those, your awesome, beautiful, smart, cool kind, and fun!" I said beaming at him with a ear to ear grin.
We then heard the bell and headed to are next classes, which, we both had math, we had all the same classes but P.E and History.
As we were sitting I couldn't help but sneak glances at Giyuu, he was just to cute. He was paying attention to the teacher closely so he didn't notice how much I looked at him.
After class we headed to lunch, we went and sat on the rooftop.
He looked down at to the ground and flinched. I noticed this, "You ok Giyuu?" I asked him, confused and worried. "Yeah, that's just, *gulp* a really long drop." The ocean blue eyed boy confessed his fear. "You scared of heights?" I asked. "Y-yeah, I am." He confessed.
After school we walked home together, we where on different streets but we walked until we had to spilt up. On my way home I remembered I asked for his number and now I had it so I decided that I would text when I got home.
When I got home I shouted to my single mother that I was home and I was going to my room.
As I walked I spotted my sister, Makomo, putting on lip gloss in her room. She only ever puts lip gloss on if she's going somewhere. I thought.
"Hey, sis, were ya goin?" I asked walking into her room.
"I'm heading to go hangout with Nezuko." She told me, I nodded and headed to my room.
*2 days later*
My sister was having a sleepover with Mitsuri so I decided that now was a good time to organize a sleepover with Giyuu. I texted him and it was all good with his part. So I asked my mother and she agreed. It was the weekend and he was come over at about 1:00 P.M, and right now is was 12:30, so I didn't have to wait that long but I was getting impatient. When the clock hit 1:00 I rushed downstairs and waited for a knock. A few minutes later when I heard one I opened it and saw Giyuu standing there with a small bag.
"Hey Giyuu!" I said.
"Hi Sabito." He said in return.
We greeted eachother and my mom greeter Giyuu, then we headed up to my room.
We put Giyuu's back down and the we didn't know what to do so we stared eachother, then I couldn't resist the urge so I had to ask, "Giyuu.. Can- Can I kiss you?" His face flushed redder than tanjiros hair and he stood there. He hesitantly nodded and I leaned down and kissed his lips. I grabbed his waist and pulled him closer.
He hesitantly put his arms around my neck.
We pulled apart and looked at eachother.
"Your cute." I said to Giyuu.
He looked away and said, "Sh-Shut up!"
We then started playing video games for a bit, we ended up playing them till 4:30.
I could notice Giyuu's look was like he wanted something, so I asked him a weird question, "Do you want to kiss again?" I asked.
He went red again and said,
"C-can we?"
"We can if you reeeeally want to." I said in a mischievous tone.
He then pressed his lips onto mine and I kissed back, I gently laid him on the bed and bit the bottom of his lip, asking for entrance, he was hesitant but I screwed him and squeezed his ass, making him gasp, then I stuck my tounge in his mouth. I explored all around his mouth, leaving no crevice unclaimed. We then pulled apart for air, a string of saliva still connecting us.
"How was that for a kiss, sweetheart?"
I said chuckling.
He looked away.
"I liked it." He said.
I smiled and kissed his neck, smirking.
He moaned.
"Shh, my mom can't here you." He explained carefully.
Then I realized, my mom was out buying groceries for dinner.
"Nevermind, be really loud." I said to him smirking.
I then slowly pulled off his shirt, Leaving hickeys all over, careful not to leave them anywhere you could see. I sucked and sucked. Then he realized I was undoing his belt and he gasped. He was a moaning mess just from hickeys? Wow. I thought as I slid his pants down and then off his boxers. He was now completely naked, and it was such a nice sight.
Then I started leaving hickeys all over his thighs. Then I kissed his tip and he moaned loudly. I then put a little bit of his cock in my mouth, sucking on it. He was moaning such cute little sounds. I wanted to fuck him so badly but my mom was going to be home soon so I only had time for this. I continued sucking his dick until his whole length was in my mouth and going down my throat a bit.
"M-my stomach feels weird Sabito!" Giyuu warned me. I knew what was cumming(haha like me joke?), and I couldn't wait for it. Then a few seconds later a warm white liquid shot down my throat. I swallowed it all and then go off with a pop.
Then Giyuu put his shirt and pants back on. He then came up to me who was sitting on the edge of the bed and started to undo my belt and take my boxers off. His eyes widened and he froze when he realized how big my cock was.
He the kissed the tip and started kitten licking it before taking in the start, gradually taking more in.
I grabbed his hair and pushed him down more and he was soon deepthroating me.
He sucked and swallowed around my cock.
I then started thrusting in and out of the ravenette and then started face fucking him.
He moaned around my cock as I kept slamming in and out.
Eventually I came inside his mouth then told Giyuu that he better swallow it all.
Eventually while Giyuu was swallowing, we got called down for supper, so I quickly put on my pants and ran downstairs.
We ate supper and then we went back upstairs.
We played video games for awhile and then decided to go to bed.
Giyuu had a sleeping bag on the ground while I slept in my bed.
While I was sleeping I felt a someone shaking me awake.
"Hmm? Giyuu what's the problem, it's the middle of the night?" I said sleepily with my eyes closed.
When I opened them I realized he was crying and I immediately shot up.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's ok baby boy, I'm here, I'm here, what happened?" I said in a panic, seeing him crying pained me so much.
"I-I had a nightmare, were you didn't love me a-anymore, you bullied me everyday and my s-sister kicked me out for being ugly, a-a-and you told me to suicide, which I did and woke up r-right before I hit th-" I cut him off and pulled him into his lap. "Shh, your ok, your sister won't kick you out, and I would never do that, you wanna know why?" I said whiping the tears away. "W-Why?" My baby boy asked. "Because I love you to much to ever do that, and so does your sister, mk?" I said, smiling at him.
"Mhm." He hummed.
"How 'bout you come sleep with me?" I asked him the tears starting to stop falling.
"Y-yes please Sa-Sabito."
So with that I held him tightly I'm my arms, pull his head closer to my chest and eventually laying his head on my chest. Why did God bless me with this angel? I questioned myself, holding Giyuu tighter and sitting up to pull the blanket of us.
Then I hear Giyuu Gasp.
"Whats wrong?" I ask him, genuinely worried.
"M-my bunny is still in the sleeping bag." I smiled at how he still had a stuffed bunny.
"I'll grab it for you." I reassured him and reached over to grab his black bunny. I handed it to him and he thanked me and we fell asleep,


2029 words!

That's the longest I've ever wrote. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and my attempt at smut! This was inspired by the book, Baby boy by @matalliic-

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