The playboy that broke my heart

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No ones pov:
Sabito and Sanemi, 2 rich playboy's that play with girls hearts. Half the females in the school have had their heart broken by Sabito and Sanemi. Sabito and Sanemi are friends yet they hate each other. More importantly, neither of them have dated a boy before...
Sabito pov:
"Give that back!" Some random kid yelled at me when I took his notebook and held it out of his reach.
"Nah. why should I?" I said, staring at him with a smirk.
I looked into his notebook to see a bunch of drawings of blushing men and the kid kissing them.
"Little gay fuck." I said out loud, looking at him.
He looked down, tears streaming out of his eyes. He looked back at me, his blue eyes shining from the tears. His grip on his needs tightened.
"Don't make fun of my sexuality!" He yelled at me. I looked at him with disgust.
"Why not?" I grabbed his glasses off his face, squishing them with my fingers, then dropping them and stepping on them. The kid looked crushed and he looked at the glasses.
"Th-Those costed so much..." He quietly said, reaching out and grabbed the broken bits and pieces holding them to his chest.
"Oh boo-hoo, at least you don't look as nerdy, it makes your bowl cut look worse though." I said blantly.
"Fujikasane!" I heard someone yell from across the hall.
I saw Mr. "I protect everyone even though I'm a shy little baby with no friends" looking at me.
"Wtf?" He slapped me then grabbed the notebook, handing it back to the lower class men, then helping him pick up his stuff and looking at the broken glasses.
"How much did those cost?" That kid- no, his name was Tomioka, asked.
"1300 dollars..." The kid answered, sniffling.
The look of pity in the ravenettes eyes turned to a soft smile and he grabbed something out of his pocket.
I was sitting on the floor glaring at Giyuu Tomioka.
"Here, they may not be adjusted right for you, and may not be clear enough, but they could help until you get new ones." Tomioka said, handing him the round black glasses.
The other kid grabbed them, putting them on his face, and looking around.
"This are perfect, thank you-" the kid looked at Tomioka with a questioning look.
"Tomioka Giyuu." The ravenette looked at the kid brunette kid.
"Thank you, Tomioka." The kid happy smiled.
Tomioka smiled back, and got up while the kid scurried away quickly.
Tomioka walked over to me and looked at me with a slight glare.
Giyuu's pov:
"What the fuck?" I yelled at the scarred boy.
"That was so mean." I continued, he got up, looking down at me.
I have to admit, he was so much taller than me, he really is tall even though he's only a month older than me...
"Have you ever seen me be nice Mr. Nice boy?" He snapped at me, smiling.
I then slapped him on the cheek again and that seemed to draw the line for him. He pinned me against the wall, slapping me in the face as I did to him, then he was about to punch me in the gut and I gasped, knowing how much it hurt. But Fujikasane stopped at the last second.
He turned around and left.
That was so weird...
I went to my locker and got ready for my next class.
Sabito pov:
Sanemi and I were both in the change rooms after class, just chilling there since we had a 20 minute break.
"Hey, Sabito, I have a new challenge for you, I'll give you 1,000 if you can can catch em." Sanemi said suddenly.
I looked into his eyes, fire burning in them.
"Who, and how long to I have to complete this." I said said, looking at sanemi.
"Giyuu Tomioka." Sanemi smirked as I went wide eyed.
"That's a boy." I stared at him.
"What about it, I thought it would be nice to step up out game." Sanemi said, his arms crossed still smirking.
"Fine, how long?" My eyes narrowed at him. This is going to take a while so I better have a long time.
"The rest of the semester. Have fun my friend." Sanemi walked away smirking.
Well.. I better get to work. I spent the rest of my break trying to find Tomioka.
This isn't going to be easy. If I want to at least befriend him I have to start being nice. And I have to apologize for slapping him in the face, go dammit san-
My thoughts were cut off by me bumping into the exact person I need to see.
We had both fallen to the ground, Tomioka on his back while I was on top of him.
He was, blushing?! What the fuck.
"Get off me jerk!" He yelled suddenly, pushing me but not having much impact on me.
"Listen, Tomioka, I'm.. Sor-Sorry." I said reluctantly, still on top of him so he couldn't run.
"Sorry? That's not going to cut it Fujikasane, you fucking bullied a kid, broke their glasses, then you slap me, then you tell me your sorry?!" Giyuu snapped at me.
"Listen, I'll take you out to dinner tonight, it you want?" I said with a slight smile.
He looked at me with a doubtful face.
"Fine. What time?" The Ravenette asked and I silently cheered for myself.
"6:00 P.M, meet me in the park."

I had to cut it short since I need to get a Christmas Special out.
There will be a part 2.

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