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So sorry for not updating this in awhile. I was busy. But uh, have fun with this chapter? Giyuu won the vote (really wasn't expecting it) so he's gonna be our yandere.

TW: Yandere and Gore (duh)

Giyuu POV:

Screams are what I enjoy. Screams of the ones who touched the one who's mine. Screams of the ones who talked to who's mine. Screams of anyone who comes near my Sabito.

I walked out of a classroom smiling at what I just accomplished. That damn girl wouldn't stay away from him, luckily she's gone now. Now to find Senpai.

I happily skipped off to find Sabito, only to find Liric (random girl) with him. My blood boiled. Wait. I just thought of the perfect way to kill her.


Her screams filled my ears and I smiled, loving them. I dragged a knife over her tan skin, her disgusting blue eyes looking terrified. After some time of torture for her and heaven for me, she died.

I smiled happily and cleaned myself up, then I hid the body.

Once that was all over I went to Sabito's house. We played video games and used his ouji board, but we stopped once the name "Liric" was spelled out.

The next day at school we went to math class in the morning. I wasn't paying attention, and just doodling on my paper, a picture of Sabito. He was just too handsome. I loved him too much. Honestly, I never thought I would start killing for him but I did. And honestly, I enjoyed it.

Sabito and I decided to get matching tattoos together after school, and that's what we did.

"I'm nervous and excited!" He said while we walked there.

"Why nervous?" I asked confused. He had been rambling non stop about how excited he was to get these.

"Because my grandpa will kill me if he figures out!" He exclaimed. He was so goddamn hot.

I nodded and we got to the tattoo shop. He got a dragon tattoo and I got the same, they were both really cool.

Once we got back to my house for Sabito to grab some things he left here, we realized how late it was and made plans for (thats 369 words) Sabito to stay the night.

I layed on my bed and he layed on a mattress beside my bed. We both got engulfed in our phones watching tiktok.

I fell asleep first and snored lightly.

Sabito POV:

Giyuu had fallen asleep and I couldn't help staring at him. He was beautiful. His soft, clear, pale skin, his well taken care of hair, his perfect body, it was all too perfect.

He's so amazing. I want him to be mine someday. And that I will make sure happens. Even if I have to do something bad...

The next day

I woke up to the scent of bacon and eggs. I got up and went downstairs to find Giyuu cooking what I had smelled, bacon and eggs.

"Oh, morning Sabi!" He said happily, showing that rare smile that I loved oh-so much.

"Morning..." I said sleepily, leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen.

"You like bacon and eggs, right? Last time I checked you did." Giyuu said, he looked honestly a bit worried.

I smiled, "Yeah I like bacon and eggs."

He looked relieved and he let out what seemed to be a long held-in breath. I laughed a bit and that made him angry I guess.

"Quit your laughing! I was scared I was making something you don't like!" He raised his voice, but didn't yell.

We ate breakfast and then we watched TV until school started. Once it did we both walked to school together.

We talked about anything we wished, just having fun. We joked around and we talking seriously, it was then absolute best.

Once we arrived at school we went our seperate ways to find our lockers. While at my locker a girl came up to me, blushing.

"H-hey! Uhm... I (669 words) really like you.. Wanna go out sometime?" She asked, still sounding and looking shy.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not into you, try someone else." I said. It sounded more rude than I intended it to be but oh well. (Savage Sabito, Savagito.)

She looked like she was about to cry and said, "Oh.. Okay.. Sorry for wasting your time.." After saying that she ran off.

Giyuu POV:

Ah, when will these stupid girls learn, Sabito. Is. Mine! And if any of them get close to him ohohoho, they aren't gonna see their families ever again, and their families aren't gonna see them. Ever. Again.

(Yallz I hear someone in my house and I'm home alone rn 😃)

As that girl ran to the janitors closet to cry like the pathetic thing she is, I walked over there and opened the door, going into it with her.

I covered her mouth and grabbed a bucket, placing all the heavy stuff in there I could find in it, then I pinned her to the floor and smashed her head with the bucket. She was left dead on the floor while her blood was everywhere.

I cleaned myself up and she layed there dead. As I was cleaning myself someone opened the door...




I turned around and saw Sabito staring in horror. He was frozen.

Before anyone else could see what happened in the janitors closet I pulled Sabito in and shut the door, holding him close.

"What is this?" He whispered.

"Your treat." I whispered back.

"But why...?" He asked, still whispering.

"Because your mine~"

FINALLY FINISHED OML. SORRY FOR THE WAY AND SORRY FOR THE RUSHED ONE SHOT. I really had zero motivation and was just bored. Bye you rats <3

 Bye you rats <3

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