That gentle smile...

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Giyuu POV:

"Weak" "Weird" "Idiot" "Good for nothing" "Freak" "Emo" "Disease" "Loner" "Dumb" "Shortie" "Useless" "Immature" These are just some of the names people call me.

Some are true though. I am a loner, I am useless, I am short, I am weak, I am good for nothing, and I am dumb.

My parents, died in a car crash. My sister, murdered. I'm alone. I live in a orphanage.

That place is horrible. I leave it every day to go to a park. This park, is like my home.

I am only 8, yet I'm calling a park my home. I guess I really am immature.

I sat resting against a bush, my head resting on my knees while I cried. Dirt was thrown at me and I was constantly being called names.

"Why do you even still live? You should have died so long ago!" One of the kids yelled at me.

I sniffled and tried blocking out the names they called me, but it just wouldn't work.

"Mind your own beeswax!" Another voice yelled.

I didn't feel like looking up, so I stayed looking down.

"And what are you gonna do about it?" The same kid who said I shouldn't be alive yelled back at him.

"How do you think I got this scar?!" The other one yelled.

"Tch, whatever, let's just go." Him and everyone else who had been bullying me left.

A boy who looked to be about a year older than me leaned down and held a sunflower in front of my face.

"They are just jerkfaced bastards, don't listen to them."

I looked up to see peach pink hair, beautiful lavender eyes, and a gentle smile with a scar beside it.

He handed the sunflower to me and sat down beside me, then grabbed a wet cloth and cleaned the dirt off me.

I looked him in the eyes.

"Who are you?"

He didn't answer me, still cleaning the dirt off my face.

"There, all better!" He smiled more fiercely.

"My name is Sabito, by the way." He said, finally answering my question.

"I'm Giyuu... And thanks for helping me..." I wrapped my arms around my legs, pulling them closer to my chest.

After that day, he would always come to see me, bringing a different kind of flower with him every time. It warmed my heart to know that someone cared about me.

"I brought a rose this time Giyuu!" He ran up to me and held it in front of my face.

I smiled and took it.

"Thank you, Sabito." I held it to my nose, sniffing it, then held it to my chest.

He sat down beside me.

I yawned and leaned into him.

Sabito smiled and put his arm underneath my chin and around my head.

Soon enough, I came to know his gentle smile, as my new home....

479 words.

Yeah. Sorry for a long time till update. I hope you enjoyed this one though. Also for the two people I talked to about it, this was originally going to be the "Hello there!" One, but I changed the plot line of it to be different. I hope you enjoyed.

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