Introduction and Rules (IMPORTANT!!!)

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For fun, this fic will be a stereotypical pregame AU, where Kaito and Kaede are bullies, Miu's a slut and Kokichi is a pussy. Also, Shuichi gets a sad backstory because WHY NOT

This is a game for the readers of this fic and the choices made by the readers will affect the ending of this story. It's pretty simple.

RULES (and stuff)

Every time there is a choice to be made, readers can comment on which choice they want Shuichi to make. Each choice will make the relationship between Shuichi and one of his classmates closer. Every choice has a consequence, so while Shuichi may get closer to someone, he may also become more distant from someone else.

Shuichi has his own personality, and because of this, he will tend to like one person more than another for a reason. For example, if Shuichi were to immediately choose between Kaito and Rantaro without getting to know them first, he would choose Rantaro because Rantaro is rich. Shuichi also favours certain personality traits or appearances over others. For example, Shuichi will prefer an independent person over someone who can't stand on their own, someone smart over someone dumb, and Shuichi might prefer a cute partner over a hot/sexy one. 

As for sexuality, he is currently asexual.

IMPORTANT: Shuichi will also have a few already established relationships. He might already be acquaintances or perhaps even friends with someone in the V3 cast. If he goes into a scenario with that person, their story will be revealed and they will become even closer than they were before. So if you want to understand Shuichi's full backstory, you will need to make choices that will make Shuichi closer to the people he is already familiar with.

Like I said before, readers can choose what Shuichi or someone else does (this will probably be published later when I have more readers/commenters) and this will change the outcome of the story and Shuichi's future.

Fate (AKA the author) will also be something to consider. Of course, I won't steer the relationship parts too much to my own liking, but just to let you know, in these stories I am god :)

I don't know... I just thought that this might be fun. We'll see.

If there are any errors, please tell me and I'll correct them immediately

Note: This fic is taken from one of my other fanfiction (my one-shot book) so the first few choices have already been made

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