Chapter 3- Meet my ------

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"Tears are the safety valve of the heart when too much pressure is laid on it"

Little Shuichi Saihara dashed towards the kitchen, where his maids were either cooking his breakfast or cleaning. The little boy, who couldn't even reach the countertop yet, raised his arms up to make a star with his body, making sure he was at the centre of attention.

"Ta-da!" he beamed as he stared up at the maids happily. However, he mispronounced his words so it sounded more like 'Da-da!'

Shuichi had gotten someone to tailor him a copy of the outfit his father usually wore; a black suit jacket over a white shirt and green crossover tie with black dress pants accessorised with a black belt, and black dress shoes with a slight heel. Shuichi even got a fake silver pocket watch in his suit breast pocket and had the pin of Byakuya's former high school on his lapel.

"Is Shuichi cute?" Shuichi asked, his eyes round, big and innocent. All the maids and butlers in the vicinity found their very hearts melting from the adorableness.

"So cute, so cute!" everyone gushed in unison. The little boy smiled even brighter and giggled. Just then, the head maid, a tall pretty woman with long sage-coloured hair, walked into the room, wondering what all the 'ooh-ing' and 'aww-ing' coming from the large kitchen was about and why nobody was working. When Shuichi noticed her, he scampered towards her, smiling brightly.


"Why hello, Master Byakuya Junior," Yua giggled. If she was allowed to, she would have swept the toddler up in her arms and given him a big squeeze, but a maid should never have that close of a relationship with her master. So, she kept her distance and smiled warmly at him.

"As cute as you are Young Master," Yua said, her voice still kind and loving. "We still haven't finished cooking breakfast. Your father might get mad."

"I'll go and distract!" Shuichi said quietly, his voice laced with determination. Before anyone could say anything, he rushed off.

Byakuya was just as surprised as everyone when Shuichi barged into his room dressed exactly like him. He didn't mind it that much. He gave Shuichi another one of those rare smiles and picked him up in his arms and brought him into the dining area, where the most aromatic breakfast had just been served...

"Boss...? BOSS!"

A now much older Shuichi Saihara opened his eyes. He was in his office, sitting with his legs crossed at his custom-made desk crafted out of 5 different kinds of exotic wood. Shuichi moved only his eyeballs to the left, where Yosuke Yamada, a manager working at the 3rd branch of the Togami Corporation, was standing, looking concerned.

"What is it?" Shuichi asked. The manager bowed his head respectfully and gave him a file full of papers.

"The collaboration with Miss Junko Enoshima is doing wonderfully well, just as you said it would," Yosuke reported. "Under your instruction, all issues have been solved and the cosmetic products are already being produced as we speak. There are no issues. If any do pop up in the future, you will be notified immediately."

"We will need to test the products and pick out a suitable model to advertise them," Shuichi said. He scrolled through his phone. "How our makeup looks can vary with people with different faces and complexions..."

"Yes sir. I was thinking-"

"Do what you need to do. Get me an extra sample." Shuichi ordered, putting his phone down. Yosuke opened his mouth to object, to say that he shouldn't bother with such trivial matters, but judging from his boss's closed eyes, his mind was already made up.

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