Chapter 4- They Have HATS

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Shuichi thought hard. If things were as urgent as Maki made it seem, then Shuichi had to go with her tomorrow. But Kokichi was his... friend... and Shuichi did want to spend some more time with him.

What do I do?


<Go with Kokichi to the mall>

<Go with Maki to the -̵̪̰͛-̵̡̤̲͓̀-̷̤͒ >


<Go with Kokichi to the mall>

. . .

After school, Kokichi parted with Kiibo, waving him goodbye after they had finished their little handshake. He blushed to himself as he remembered that he and Shuichi would be hanging out at the mall today. He did feel a teensy bit bad going behind Kiibo's back like this, but it would be worth it. Kokichi planned to go home and change into something nice. He had a semi-formal outfit that he never wore. It would be perfect for impressing Shuichi.

Before Kokichi could cross the road in front of the school, a shiny, sleek, steel blue sports car, that looked like it cost millions, pulled up and skidded to a halt in front of him. Poor Kokichi almost screamed, or fainted, maybe both. The tinted windows were rolled down so Kokichi was able to see Shuichi sitting in the front seat. He was wearing a completely new outfit and looked like a dashing supermodel. He whipped off his glasses and gave Kokichi a small grin.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping."

Kokichi flushed scarlet at Shuichi. He tried his best to ignore the thundering noise of his heart thumping in his chest and forced his attention elsewhere and admired his car.

"This is your ride?" he asked, amazed. Shuichi's smile fell and he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Eh... My dad custom-ordered it, but he never got the chance to... pick it up..." he said. "So it's mine now."

Kokichi sensed that Shuichi was sad, so he didn't push it further and got into the backseat of the car. He couldn't help but wow at everything in the car. The interior of the car—the seats, the roofing, everything—was made with expensive material. There were even little screens at the back of the chairs.

"The seats are so comfortable..." he murmured happily. Shuichi grinned.

The material doesn't stain either, Kokichi thought, It'd be perfect for a hook-up.

Kokichi blushed and immediately shoved that thought away. Shuichi wasn't just some boy toy. Shuichi was a god.

"Wait," Kokichi said, staring at the empty driver's seat. "Who's driving? Do you have a licence? Wait, no, we're too young to drive!"

"I have a motorcycle licence," Shuichi said. "And yes, I can't drive this car without breaking the law. But don't worry, my cute little purple-headed... "friend"... This baby drives itself, isn't that right KoroKoro?"

The car jingled happily in response and Shuichi smiled to himself when he saw Kokichi jump in fright. Kokichi's jaw dropped as he saw a cute-looking digital face appear on the screen of the car radio. Kokichi's parents weren't rich, they earned enough to get by, so Kokichi was not used to this level of luxury. It was an unforgettable experience. The two boys had fun talking to each other and KoroKoro.

"KoroKoro!" Shuichi said, putting back on his sunglasses. "Take us to-"

He was cut off when someone slammed her hand onto the car's gleaming hood, making KoroKoro display an uncomfortable face as the car shook. It was Maki.

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