Chapter 6- Three Lucky People

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Note: Shuichi can use his voice, but he doesn't want to and because his vocal cords have been neglected for so long, they will start to hurt after prolonged usage. Most of the time, Shuichi communicates via notepad or sign language. If he does use his voice, you will be informed so

However, if Shuichi is alone with someone he is close with (which is only Maki, for now) he will always use his voice, but speak quietly

"We were wondering if you wanted to come with us tomorrow to the carnival," Kaito said, winking at him. "Just the three of us. It'll be an all-boys hangout!"

Shuichi wanted to say no already. Going to a carnival meant unhealthy food and even more human interaction. Shuichi despised human interaction.

His phone tinkled. It was Maki.

"Need help," her text read. "The ceremony is a formal gala and I don't know how to dance."

Shuichi read the text message. He then looked back at Kaito and Rantaro, who were awaiting his answer.


<Reply to Maki's text>

<Accept Kaito and Rantaro's invitation>


<Reply to Maki's text>

. . .

Something very important was going to be announced. Hundreds of people, ranging between adults, teenagers, and a small group of children, stood in the big "assembly room". They stood in perfectly straight lines, categorized by the different coloured clothing that represented their rank. They stood tall, with stern expressions on their face and their hands behind their backs.

Little Maki Harukawa stood at the very right side of the room with the rest of the 6-year-olds. Since her training had just begun, she was wearing a grey uniform. However, despite being the youngest in her "class", she was also the top student and therefore was given the honour of standing in the front (which was just as well considering the fact that Maki was also the shortest in her group, so being anywhere else would render her unable to see the stage).

Today must have been a very special occasion, because the commander walked onto the stage, looking rather excited.

"A new potential investor has shown themself to us!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air. A quiet murmur spread throughout the audience. The organisation had been struggling financially, so a new investor would help out a lot.

"They have chosen to remain anonymous and we have agreed to not pry into their identity." the commander said. "However, he wants to see if we are worth the investment."

An image was projected on the blank white wall behind the stage. It showed three pictures of multiple people.

"Here is your task." a voice said through the speakers. No one could tell if it was male or female because the recording had been through tampers and voice changes. "Locate these three people and bring them to me. You can do whatever you want with them, but I want them alive."

"This bounty applies to all of the assassin's training within the Holy Salvation Society. I don't care if you're a top-ranking hitman, or if you're a lowly beginner. Bring those three to me and I will reward you handsomely."

The anonymous sponsor's next words took every person in the room by surprise, including all the higher-ups.

"1 million US dollars," the voice said. "Will be given in cash to the person that brings these three men to me. This money is solely for the assassin, and no one in the organization is allowed to take a single yen from them. Whoever can successfully capture these three men and bring them to me alive, will also earn 2 million for the organization."

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