Chapter 8- Why, You Interested?

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All eyes were on Shuichi as he walked down the halls, perfect and poised as always. He was like a prince with a heart of ice; like a museum artefact that is to be admired by all, but to never be touched.

"Oh wow..."

"Shuichi always looks so perfect..."

Shuichi hated going outside. Every time he stepped out of his sanctuary of solitude, all eyes would be on him. Shuichi paid them no heed. All they cared about was beauty. Beauty was important of course, but Shuichi didn't understand why people put such a high value on it.

Shuichi hid it well, but his hands were trembling. He forced himself to look ahead. He could see all of the eyes on him as the shadowy corridors only seemed to get longer and longer. 

Please leave me be

Listen to me just this time

Their stares only seemed to shoot through his body, soul, and mind. Shuichi couldn't help but wonder, what would happen if everybody in the school were to... disappear...

I'm scared I know

But I worry what they'll think of me

As tears will flow

See me trembling a tragedy

I see

Maybe I'm not like the others surrounding me

I finally see!

Run away

I'll flee from all the kindness

Burn it in the flames

I'll cast it all away in pain

But why?

Did it all have to end up still

Destroyed by time

I wanna cry!

Slip and fall, all I do is make mistakes

People laugh, but I deserve the laughter and the hate

And again in fear

I'm waiting for the sun to rise

If it didn't though

I guess I really wouldn't mind

Shuichi ended up accidentally bumping into Korekiyo. At first, he didn't recognize him and was absolutely terrified by the ghost demon standing before him. When he realized that it was just another socially-challenged boy, he sighed and continued on his way to his seat.

"Good morning Kiibo. Good morning Kokichi," Shuichi greeted. "I'm glad to see that you are back."

Kiibo and Kokichi smiled at him in return.

"Shuichi!" Kiibo said with a friendly wave. "We're watching the first episode of the new season of Danganronpa! It came out just yesterday. Come! Watch it with us!"

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