Chapter 2- Loser's Lunch

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For the sake of the story, please pretend that apart from their mandatory lessons, students are required to choose extra lessons such as Performing Arts, extra PE lessons, and stuff like that

"S-Shuichi," Kokichi said. "Y-You'll s-sit with us... right? P-Please?"

Shuichi put a finger on his chin as he contemplated his decision.


<Sit with the cool kids>

<Sit with the nerds>


<Sit with the nerds>

Shuichi pointed toward Kokichi and Kiibo. As Kaito's face fell, Kokichi's and Kiibo's lit up like the sun. Kokichi almost cried.

"Fine then!" Kaito said. "It's your choice I guess... We can always hang out another time. Let's go Rantaro."

"Uh... right..."

After the two boys had left, Kokichi turned to Shuichi. He seemed a lot less scared now.

"Y-You... r-really want to s-s-it with u-us?" he stuttered.

When Shuichi gave them a smile, Kiibo felt electric sparks all over his body and Kokichi started blushing like crazy. Before anyone else could say anything, Miss Yukizome spoke up.

"Ok, class!" she called out cheerily. "I've finished marking your pop quizzes. And... I'm very disappointed in all of you... Here are your scores." The entire class groaned as the teacher started to hand them out. "For those who failed, which is everyone, please go back home and study as this will come out in the final exam."

Shuichi just whipped his head left and right in confusion. He didn't even know there was a pop quiz! Shuichi watched as everyone looked at their results, rolled their eyes, and flipped their papers upside down. He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Shuichi," Chisa smiled warmly at him. "You passed the entrance exam with flying colours. I doubt that you will have any problems catching up with your peers. Here."

She gave Shuichi the paper he took as the entrance exam. As she continued to pass papers around, Kokichi and Kiibo groaned. Shuichi turned to them and cocked his head in confusion. His new friends sighed and showed him their papers. Shuichi gasped. And when Shuichi saw everyone's results on the board, he gasped even louder.

Kokichi had gotten a 17 out of 50 and Kiibo had only gotten 4 points higher than that. The worst part was, that they had the highest scores in the class. Upon closer inspection, Shuichi even realized that their 'pop quiz' and Shuichi's entrance exam were the same. Shuichi had gotten a perfect score (that part wasn't really surprising).

That entrance exam was the easiest thing ever! How can people fail this?!

He pointed at a mistake in Kokichi's paper.

"I can tutor you..." he whispered.

"Really?!" he asked, a little too enthusiastically, leaning toward Shuichi with bright eyes. When he realized just how close they were, Kokichi's cheeks suddenly went warm and he quickly sat down.

"We'll see you at lunch then." Kiibo grinned. Shuichi nodded back with a small smile.

. . .

When Shuichi arrived at the cafeteria, all eyes turned on him. News had travelled fast that the boy with gold eyes was the principal's son and by now, there wasn't a single student that didn't know. Shuichi just ignored them, along with the churning feeling in his stomach that made him want to puke, and lined up for food.

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