Chapter 5- Your Face is Scary

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Shuichi Saihara has been stuck in hell—or as his parents call it, Arlen High—for 4 days now. And boy was he sick of it. Everyone in the vicinity was either a retard or an asshole. No one in this school, spare for maybe Rantaro, had any sense of style. And the topics discussed at school were nothing but boring. Even Kokichi and Kiibo weren't on speaking terms for some reason.

Shuichi was bored to death. He had no idea what exactly he was supposed to be doing. Apparently, humans enjoyed sitting down, burning in the sun and doing nothing productive while watching a bunch of disgustingly sweaty idiots chase after a tiny ball, like dogs.

"What an utter waste of valuable time." Shuichi spat out. He was sitting in a sun chair all alone, adorning a huge black sunhat that covered most of his sunscreen-white body in cooling shade, along with a chic pair of thick sunglasses. As he sipped a tall glass of ice-cold lemonade, he scrolled through his phone, checking up on his business and going through his email.

Cheers arose throughout the playing field and the crowd as Kaito scored a spectacular goal. Kaito looked up to see if his crush was watching. But to his disappointment, Shuichi was not. Instead, the Shuichi was currently in the arduous process of pondering his entire life.

I miss Papa...

Shuichi quickly purged that thought. He was Shuichi Saihara Togami, not some 5-year-old child.

This place is doing things to me that I do not enjoy. I need to get out of here.

. . .

Why couldn't life continue like this?

Shuichi was all alone, riding comfortably in KoroKoro, happily enjoying some rock music. KoroKoro was on the way to the best restaurant in town (from the Togami company, of course).

When Shuichi got to the restaurant, he strode to the VIP room immediately, where his family was. He could already hear their chaotic shouting even before he even touched the tall, traditional double doors. He opened the door.

Hajime and Nagito were making out. Chiaki was playing games on her phone. Sonia, Sayaka, and Junko were having a battle to see who wore the hottest outfit. Celestia was sitting on Hifumi's back, sipping some tea. Nekomaru and Akane were wrestling. And Izuru, Hajime's twin brother and Shuichi's favourite uncle, was avoiding everyone by sitting on the chandelier.

"Shuichi." Izuru said, jumping down and landing perfectly like a ballerina. The corners of his mouth turned upwards and he patted Shuichi's head gently. Even though he knew that it wouldn't fool his all-knowing god of an uncle, Shuichi still forced a smile for him. Izuru's eyes died a little as he watched Shuichi's strained expression.

"Hi everyone." Shuichi waved nervously with a lopsided smile. He took his seat (FAR away from the couples) beside Izuru. Sayaka took this time to immediately brag to everyone about how she was the last one (prior to this meeting) to see Shuichi in person. She went on and on about his singing and dancing talent and Shuichi just blocked her out.

The family always ordered before Shuichi arrived. He liked it that way. That way, the food would arrive only shortly after him and he could choose whatever he felt like consuming. Shuichi never really ate much, but today he didn't feel like eating at all. He picked a few pieces of fragrant meat and steaming vegetables and scooped a few small spoons of rice to go with it.

His body jolted when he felt Izuru's cool hand on his forehead. Shuichi wasn't very fond of physical touch.

"I'm not sick," he murmured.

"But you are not well." Celestia said from across the table. She looked at Shuichi kindly. "Raven, darling, tell us what's wrong."

Shuichi shook his head.

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