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im gonna use Kreek instead of kreekcraft from the next part onwards mainly because my autocorrect wont autocorrect Kreek and also its simpler

enjoy :D


The shadowed figure tapped Minibloxia on the shoulder and simply whispered "Lets go." Then, it turned towards Tanqr said, "You know, I didn't think that you would use that particular spell." Then, to Kreekcraft it said, "You know Kreekcraft, I only kept you alive and took you in because Chizled wanted you. But falling in love with your target? How pathetic. You are of no use to me anymore." "Onett?" Everyone gasped in surprise while Kreekcraft started backing away from Tanqr.

Tanqr turned around and stomped towards Kreekcraft, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt roughly and lifting him up. Immediately, the barrier shattered and Onett, Minibloxia and their team escaped. "It's fine, leave them be." Tanqr said, "You guys can go now. I'll take Kreekcraft with me." With that, Tanqr, still grabbing onto Kreekcraft's shirt collar, started dragging him away. His friends were watching them leave. Rektway said, "Should we go after them?" "We probably should shouldn't we?" said Xdemon. "Yea, if not Tanqr might kill him", Sabrina replied. Russo said, "We should keep our distance though, just incase" "Yea", the rest replied.

-time skip-

Tanqr slammed the door of his house open and stormed in, tossing Kreekcraft onto the ground. "Ouch", Kreekcraft winced. (btw Tanqr walked home dragging Kreekcraft who was attempting to walk) Tanqr pinned Kreekcraft to the floor and lifted an unsheathed claw to Kreekcraft's neck. Kreekcraft could feel Tanqr's eyes glaring down at him through the mask and gulped. Tanqr spoke in a soft tone laced with venom, "Kreekcraft, you were against me the whole time weren't you. The whole 'I know someone who can heal you...I'm sorry' was a lie wasn't it?" Kreekcraft shook his head slowly and Tanqr placed his claws on Kreekcraft's neck, lightly pressing down and drawing blood. Tanqr continued in that same voice, "Don't lie to me, Kreekcraft..."

Rektway and Xdemon gasped, in all their life, they had never seen this side of Tanqr. The Tanqr they know has always been so casual and calm in every situation and Tanqr was anything but casual now. "Should we stop him? I have never seen him like this before, it's scary", Xdemon said. "No, let's wait a bit more, Kreekcraft is capable of handling him. I hope", Sabrina replied.

Kreekcraft muttered, "It was a lie until I fell in love with you." "Oh so you fell in love with me and still continued to help them? I feel so touched" Tanqr said with a voice dripping with sarcasm. Pressing his claws further into Kreekcraft's neck and drawing more blood, Tanqr continued with that same soft, menacing tone, "Kreekcraft, I'm not playing around anymore. I can and will kill you without hesitation. Tell me the truth...Now." That wasn't even a question. Kreekcraft winced at both the pain and Tanqr's tone. He sighed before saying, "That is the truth, when Onett found out I failed to kill you, he told me to bring you to him. There, the medicine he passed you was mixed with a sleeping potion, meant to make you fall asleep around 3 seconds after you casted that spell. With you asleep, he could easily defeat your friends and kill you. I know this isn't the best time for a confession but I only fell in love with you at Onett's when I realized how much you mean to me but it was too late to do anything by then. Please Tanqr, believe me, I love you." Then, Kreekcraft reached out behind Tanqr's mask and gently caressed his cheek...



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