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the story is gonna end soon


After eating, Tanqr put on his mask and motioned for Kreek to follow him. Tanqr grabbed a bag, walked out and locked the door behind him. "It's gonna be a long walk Kreek." Tanqr said before heading south, occasionally looking back to make sure Kreek was following. (Don't ask me why they didn't use a car) Kreek trailed behind Tanqr. After walking for an hour, they reached a forest. Tanqr entered the forest and started walking onto a dirt trail, turning left and right. He memorized the directions by heart. Kreek quickened his pace, not wanting to get lost in this forest. Soon, they reached an open clearing with a crystal clear lake.

"Welcome", Tanqr said. "This is where I spend most of my time, be it training or just chilling here." Kreek's jaws dropped and his eyes widened. The area was beautiful. Tall trees surrounded and covered the area, hiding it from the outside world, red, orange, yellow and brown leaves dotted the ground and birds flew around them, chirping a small tune. The area was also serene, tranquil and secluded. It was perfect. "Tanqr, this is amazing, how did you find it?" Kreek asked. Tanqr replied, "It's nothing special. This is where I became a monster." Kreek looked at Tanqr in confusion.

Tanqr didn't reply. Instead, he took out some wooden swords from the bag and tossed one to Kreek. "Here, these won't hurt as bad when we fight later. " Tanqr said, "Show me your vessel arts. It'll help me determine your skill level." Kreek nodded and closed his eyes. Kreek briefly glowed blue before he opened his eyes and looked at Tanqr. "You wanna fight while my physical abilities are enhanced?" Kreek asked. Tanqr nodded and said, "Sure, maybe you will have a chance"

(Power levels from weakest to strongest: white, yellow, green, blue, purple, red, grey, black)

(white to blue is human levels, purple to black is monster levels)

Tanqr got into a fighting stance, slowly circling Kreek. Then, Tanqr lunged at Kreek, aiming for his neck. Kreek used his arms to block only for Tanqr to swipe his legs off the floor. Kreek landed on the floor with a thud. "Ouch", said Kreek, rubbing the back of his head. "You okay?" Tanqr asked, holding out a hand to pull Kreek up. Kreek took it and stood up. "Your aura is blue Kreek, you have a lot of potential but you're not showing it. In other words, Kreek your fighting skills aren't good" Tanqr said. Then, he tilted his head and asked, "What category of spells did you learn?" Kreek lowered his head and mumbled, "Onett forced me to choose stealth because I was an assassin." "I see", Tanqr said, "Why not learn some new ones then? I'll teach you, along with some fighting skills." Kreek looked at Tanqr and replied ,"Sure!"

Tanqr started to teach Kreek the art of defence and offence, making sure Kreek got them right before moving on the fighting tactics. One step at a time, Tanqr taught Kreek most of the fighting tactics. Soon, Kreek could beat Tanqr when he is only using 1% of his power. "Nice", Tanqr said, "Let's go back now, I'm starving."

When Tanqr and Kreek reached their house (technically it's Tanqr's but their bfs now so), they saw a piece of paper pasted onto the door. Tanqr, meet me at the open field. Bring whoever you want, I want to kill you once and for all. The message read. Tanqr sighed and muttered, "Come on, not again." Then to Kreek he said, "Let's get ready." Kreek nodded.



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