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i swear i feel like i write alot but its just 500 words


Tanqr woke up and sat up. Where am I? He thought. The last thing Tanqr remembered was Kreek leaving him and him hurting himself. Tanqr heard crying and turned around. "Kreek? Why are you crying? Wait, why are you here?" Tanqr asked. Kreek heard the sound of Tanqr's voice and looked up. Tanqr is alive. Kreek stood up and hugged Tanqr. "P-Please don't hurt yourself again", Kreek mumbled. Tanqr looked at Kreek in confusion and said, "I thought you hated me." Kreek wiped his tears from his face and looked up at Tanqr, "I don't hate you, I love you. When I came back, I found you unconscious with cuts all over." Tanqr hugged Kreek, he smiled sheepishly and said, "I'm sorry."

Tanqr got off the bed and adjusted his mask. "Lets go Kreek, wanna go outside?" Tanqr asked. Kreek nodded his head and held onto Tanqr's hand as they walked out. On the way out, they met Sabrina. "Oh hi Sabrina, Thank you", Tanqr said. Sabrina looked at them and said,"Hi Tanqr, are you and Kreek boyfriends?" Kreek immediately blushed and looked at Tanqr. Tanqr just said, "Maybe." Then Tanqr and Kreek walked out of the rb battles studio hand in hand.

-time skip to when they reach the beach-

Tanqr and Kreek sat side by side on the beach, looking at the sunset. Tanqr took off his mask and turned towards Kreek. "Kreek, I love you, will you be my boyfriend?" Tanqr asked, his azure blue eyes pleading Kreek. Kreek turned around and looked at Tanqr in surprise. Then, Kreek pulled Tanqr into a hug and replied, "Of course I will. Is that even a question?" Tanqr smiled and leaned forward to kiss Kreek. Kreek accepted it and their lips connected, forming a passionate kiss, short and sweet.

Tanqr pulled away and laughed, saying, "I wonder how the RCCUO community is going to react when we tell them." Kreek smiled, saying, "If we tell them." Tanqr nodded his head. Then, he pressed his lips into a thin line and said, "On a serious note, I need to train you to become stronger. Apparently Onett and someone else I don't recognize have a final plan." Tanqr then told Kreek about his dream. Kreek frowned and said, "Did the someone else have bunny ears and a brown hat?" Tanqr nodded his head in surprise. Kreek said, "Then it's probably chizeled. He probably doesn't want to kill me and only wants to kill you. Anyways, let's go back now, it's already quite late." Tanqr nodded and reached out to hold Kreek's hand.

Under the moonlight, the two love birds went to Kreek's house to pack his stuff before heading to Tanqr's house. When they reached, Tanqr climbed onto the bed with Kreek and hugging each other, they both fell asleep.

Tanqr woke up and saw that Kreek was still sleeping. He slowly moved Kreek's arms off of him and got up. Tanqr went and took a shower before changing. He decided to not wear his mask today. Then, Tanqr went down to prepare breakfast. Kreek yawned as he woke up. Looking around, he saw that Tanqr was no longer on the bed and panicked. Tanqr popped his head into the room and smiled. "Hi Kreek, you're finally awake. Breakfast is ready." Tanqr said. Kreek sighed, relieved that Tanqr is okay. "Alright. Let me shower first." Kreek replied.

After Kreek showered, he went down and asked, "Pancakes?" "Yup!" Tanqr replied, putting the pancakes onto two plates. "It's the only thing I know how to make anyways. Monsters aren't known for their cooking skills you know?" Tanqr said, smiling. Kreek wrapped his arms around Tanqr as Tanqr put the pancakes on the table and sat down, saying, "You aren't a monster Tanqr. Also you don't have your mask on, you're pretty without it." Tanqr just shrugged and said, "You just haven't seen the true me. I really am a monster. Anyways, I don't usually wear my mask at home." With that, Tanqr started digging into his pancakes. Kreek started eating too, occasionally looking at Tanqr. Tanqr looks better without his mask, Kreek thought.


im running out of ideas

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