Welcome to rehab

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I am currently suffering from slight writers block so I am so sorry if it's not as good! I have no original idea's but I'm starting to think about them so I hope this is good enough for you all! As usual please review and tell me if it's good or not! That always helps and I love reading the reviews! I would like to give a big thanks to psychrainbow81, SasukeUchihasGuardian, sasunaruhadmelike, Naruto7771 and KH freak 813 for reviewing and making me smile! Also fine I give in to you, you win! I will write the bloody dialogue on a separate line! You all win! heh... ON WITH THE STORY!

Sasuke opened his eyes slightly. There was a big light burning in the sky causing him to instantly shut them again. Was this heaven? Or maybe hell? Or perhaps... The young Uchiha's thought were instantly cut off by a loud beeping on his left side once his hearing comes back. Defiantly not heaven. Moving his arms slightly he realized they were tied up, not sure what to though. Trying once more to open his eyes he managed to get used to the bright light as his eyes drifted down to his arms. They were bandaged up and a needle sticking into his inner elbow. That was when all his memories came back.

Itachi pulled him out the water and lay him on the floor, grabbing his phone out his pocket he called for an ambulance and wrapped his brothers wrists up in the process. "Crazy...?" sasuke whispered weakly, "I'm not... crazy" and for the younger everything went black as he faintly heard his brother shouting his name as if his life depended on it.

Itachi had saved him. His own brother who caused it in the first place because he never told him about his parents passing. Turning his attention back to the ceiling Sasuke sighing slightly, he was in pain and his wrists hurt a lot. Suddenly the door opened and a familiar voice entered his ears.

"Sasuke!" The voice belonged to Itachi.

"I...Itachi...?" Sasuke said slowly, his voice was croaky and sore.

"Oh Sasuke!" Itachi bawled, "it's okay we're gonna get you help" the elder Uchiha was holding Sasuke's wrist and trying not to cry.

"I don't need help!" sasuke snapped and sat up, only to have his head pound and his vision spin.

"Sasuke please lie down" a deep voice spoke, getting closer. Turning to see Sasuke came face to face with a man, a middle aged man with big floppy white hair and a mask over his nose and mouth, he had a scar on his left eye and seemed to be smiling at him being awake.

"Hello Sasuke, my name is Kakashi and welcome to rehab!"

"REHAB?!" Sasuke managed to croak out before hearing Kakashi chuckle and lean over to him.

"Yes Sasuke, this is the best place for you right now, you are a danger to yourself and we need to save your life encase you do anything stupid again..." Kakashi said slowly as if Sasuke couldn't hear him or understand him. Sasuke simply grumbled and turned his head away from Kakashi. "Suit yourself" Kakashi said sighing "but you're going to rest all day today and then tomorrow we're going to show you around and show you to your room, Itachi follow me.." Itachi stood up and whispered his goodbyes to Sasuke before walking out sadly with Kakashi without complaint. Sasuke rolled over onto his arm, baring the pain, and thought to himself. 'So I'm gonna be here all day..? Might as well sleep it off' Sasuke thought and closed his eyes, falling into a deep sleep.


Sasuke's Point Of View

I woke up again the next day, the room was cold and I could smell a familiar 'dead person' smell that I always get in hospitals. Creepy right? I remembered Kakashi saying he would come back but in honesty I'm surprised that he isn't sat at the end of the bed watching me sleep, seems like the guy that would do that. The next minute a man walked in, but it wasn't Kakashi, he had long black hair, pale white skin and snake like features. Okay so maybe this is the guy that will be standing at the end of my bed cause fuck does he creep me out with that scary smirk!

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