Behind blue eyes

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So sorry about this guys xD It's 20 past midnight as I'm at a sleepover and just realized I haven't updated ^^" So now I'm using my friend as a pillow and writing this for you X'D feel loved cause I'm stuck in an emotional mess right now so yeah... Thought I'd make you cry and write this! I don't own Naruto but I own this story, review if you liked it and please enjoy! Thanks for reading! Naru's POV!

Ever since group that day I've never been able to get this off my mind, never, not once. Before I go to bed to stare at the ceiling I end up thinking about what happened, what he did to me, and how Sasuke or anyone else doesn't know about it. I mean sure I've hung around with Gaara and that ever since I came here but even they don't know what happened, they only know about my insomnia and what happened before I came here, only Iruka knows about what he did...

I looked over at the clock, the glowing numbers read 3:26am and I looked over at Sasuke who seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

"You alright dobe?" A familiar voice pierced the silence in the dark and I couldn't help but smile at the ceiling once realizing Sasuke was also awake, I wouldn't go as far as to call us best friends but him just being there made me happy, I like Sasuke, he's a nice person under all the emo.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just..." I trailed off, thinking it over and over in my head if I was certain this was what I wanted.

"You what dobe? What's on your mind?" he asked again, his voice was laced with sleep but he was keeping himself awake just to find out what was wrong and why I seemed unhappy. That's another reason why I think me and Sasuke could be best friends, he cares. At this point I decided I was ready to tell someone, and that someone was going to be Sasuke, nothing else said. I sighed once more before sitting up in my bed and looking over at him in the dark, he was also sat up.

"I'm ready to tell someone" I said quietly and heard a little chuckle coming from the other side of the room.

"There's no point in shouting it across the room then is there?" He said and I nodded in the dark and moved across to sit on his bed. When he pulled the blanket out from under where I was sitting and put it on my shoulders so we were closer I felt a faint jab of happiness in my stomach, he really did care. Sighing again I looked back at him in the eyes and nodded in the dark before explaining to him what I kept away from everyone, I guess I really trust him.

"Well you see..." I started, and yes I was scared, no I was terrified, but sitting here next to Sasuke in the dead of morning when he could be sleeping and ignoring me gave me the confidence I needed, so I told him everything, "it all started when I came here..."

I walked along the halls, they were long and white and sooo boring! I was being followed by someone who seems like they're just working here for no reason or just a part time job but anyway he seemed cool enough. His name was Orochimaru and he was to walk me around and show me around the place so that I don't get lost when I have to go to group or therapy or somewhere. Orochimaru had long black hair and he had really cool snake looking eyes, I think we could be friends if I tried, maybe! It didn't take us long to get to where I would be staying. It was a small but big-ish room with two beds, two desks, and a bit of space in the middle. Instantly I claimed the bed at the far end of the room and dumped my small amount of stuff on a desk and decided that if I was going to unpack I would do it tomorrow, I had got here late anyway.

"You're very beautiful you know, Naruto" Orochimaru said as he walked into my room and closed the door. I looked over at him and smiled.

"Thanks Orochimaru, you're not too bad yourself" I said trying to be nice as I sat on my bed and kept watching him as he walked around the room picking up small things that the previous owner had left, like some paper and a little bit of string that nobody could do any harm with. Orochimaru looked back up at me and smirked. His smirk scared me, it was creepy and I saw violence in his eyes. Who was this guy? I didn't feel safe with him in my room right now so I had to try and figure out how to get him out without me getting attacked. "So... Is there anything else you need?" I asked quietly, not wanting to anger to potential danger.

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