Meet your therapist

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Guess who's updating?! Me! I will try my ultimate hardest to update for everyone but I can't promise anything as life is hard right now, mentally and physically so wish me luck with everything, I don't wanna grow old and die yet! I don't own naruto but I own this story... Please review! On with the story! Hope you're all enjoying it so far! Told in first person to Sasuke!


My head was bouncing and my eyes wouldn't open. I could hear breathing and some faint rustling going on but I couldn't be quite sure if what I was hearing was in fact real or just my imagination being too active due to the blow to the head I received earlier from my over hyper and apparently dangerous roommate Naruto. Forcing my eyes open I was half expecting to be in the hospital part of the place but my eyesight only showed a dark room and a ceiling, does this mean I'm not in the infirmary? Once my eyes started to work again I made out some shapes in the dark that soon seemed to be lit by some light escaping through the closed curtains in the corner of the room. At this point I realized that I was in fact not in the infirmary but in my dorm with my blonde danger of a roommate pacing around awaiting my awakening. After sensing eyes on him I watched as he ran over to me blurting out some words that kinda mashed together in one big vomit of noise. Not pleasant.

"C-Calm down, dobe" I managed to croak out. Hearing my own voice sounding like a disabled frog kinda made me feel like I should drink more water through the day but right now I had bigger problems.

"I am so so so sorry Sasuke!" I heard Naruto blurting out, the only words that I was able to understand and my killing headache didn't make it easy.

"I said calm down... Stop your worrying I'm perfectly fine..."

"but you're not! I don't know what I'll do! I am really sorry you have to understand that I didn't mean for this to happen!" Is this kid still going on? I know it was an accident, dammit Naruto shush! I knew that if I didn't act fast the kid would refuse to shut up till I die from an exploding headache, so I did the only thing I knew that would work to calm a situation, I shouted.

"DAMMIT NARUTO SHUT UP!" I blurted out and suddenly everything changed. His worried expression turned. Naruto looked at me, clearly shocked, but also clearly upset, he had a small frown on his face and his azure eyes shook slightly. Was I going to make the kid cry? He kept his eyes on me and his shocked expression disappeared leaving me staring at an intensely upset blonde who looked like he could fall onto the floor in fits of tears any moment.

"Naruto..." I said, my voice was soft and calming. I don't know why I said his name, normally I would laugh in the faces of everyone who felt pain. Deep down I knew why I had said his name, deep down I knew things would change for the better or worse I wasn't sure, the whole thing just hasn't surfaced yet. Despite not knowing what was going to change, I knew for a fact about what I felt while looking into his sad eyes. It was a feeling I hadn't felt in a while, since the death of my parents. I felt guilt. I felt a slight bit of guilt for the blonde in the pit of my stomach when I saw how much I really scared him for shouting. I had never intended to make the kid fear me, I just wanted him to shut up!

"It's fine! I do get kinda annoying, I just wanted you to know I was truly sorry..." he said smiling and returning to his bouncy happy self, well almost. Don't bother pretending, I can see through your act... Stupid dobe.

"I have therapy now anyway... Wish me luck?" I asked, trying to make a civil and not awkward conversation with the kid who I pitied after just meeting a few hours ago, what had gotten into me? I looked up at Naruto and he gave a small happy smile, this one I could tell he was trying really hard. It kinda felt like I was worth something to someone, even if it was someone I met a few hours ago, it still felt good.

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