Don't do drugs kids

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Look dude's I know this is taking forever and I know I'm really late, like later than usual... If I finish this and update in the middle of the week then oopsie and if I end up updating on a saturday but a week late then it's my best friends fault ^^" She pissed me off and I told her I was gonna update late for her now and then I actually went and did it, sorry I just had so much to do... And still while I'm trying to do this I end up procrastinating, oh and the YouTube video is finally up so go to my profile for the links and check it out and I'm going to comic-con in Yorkshire in a couple weeks so I can't wait! Soo excited!

Warning: Smut and drunken antics, if you are underage then please STOP RIGHT THERE AND GO BACK OR SKIP THE CHAPTER AND CLOSE DOWN THE INTERNET AND SAVE YOUR VIRGIN MIND! Right all the little kiddies gone now? Only the overages and rebels...? Or just everyone...? Because let's face it I know non of you are going to listen to me, like I would listen to me... Pfft I would just read it anyway... heh, Naruto doesn't belong to me but the plot to this story does and well I don't have much else to say other than to all the beautiful people who have been reading since the beginning and are reading now THANK YOU SO MUCH AND I LOVE YOU ALL! Especially the people who take the time to review :) On with the story!

"Kiba, I need to talk to you for a moment.."

Kiba, Naruto, Sasuke, and Gaara looked up from where they were sat in a circle in their group session coloring in a big stick man showing their weaknesses, some weird group activity that Kakashi came up with to get everyone used to each other and no their friendship groups better. The three looked at Kiba who looked back at them in a confused manor showing them that he had about as much clue as any of them did on what was going on. Nodding and standing up the brunette walked out the room with a staff member following him.

"Where are we going?" Kiba asked and the lady who had been sent to get him stayed quiet, instead she kept walking and eventually got to a set of double doors. Using a key card she swiped the sensor and opened the door, letting Kiba in before re-closing the door and following him through the hall. "This is the place of the hospital for all the mentally unstable... The ones who... Killed someone... Why am I here...?" Kiba asked shakily, knowing that only bad things could happen through those doors.

This was the first time the brunette had actually been through these doors but he used to have a friend who got sent here, Kiba lost contact with him once he was put into intensive care so as far as Kiba was concerned there was no way out for him. Another thing the dog lover knew was that the more important members of staff had offices in this part, they were more experienced in the mentally ill so they were assigned to taking care of the patients that couldn't do a lot by themselves, the pay was good but they never left so did it really matter?

Working in Konoha Asylum for the mentally ill and criminally insane meant only one thing, total lock down. When you signed up for a job there you were signing away your life as once you got the job there was no backing out, once you enter there is no way out. The Asylum was originally created to house the criminally ill and so after months and months, even a few years, of constant begging and a lot of money the government finally agreed to giving the hospital a separate crime rules for the inmates. The point behind that was the keep the two worlds separate, to stop the inmates getting involved in the outside world. After a few years they started to build out and made a more secure area leading off from the main building that the main leader decided to place the more dangerous inmates. After a few months they started taking in mentally ill patients and got more staff and soon created what it was today. The hospital gets its money simply from keeping the inmates and patients alive, it was an easy but hard job. There was always the possibility of death but soon the staff got attached to the job, so some of the patients, got the routine in their head and started to enjoy working there.

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