Don't touch him he's mine

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Well... Hi again. It's been a year since I updated and I know i'm a massive twat for leaving the story but I simply lost interest in writing for a long period of time. The whole reason I'm even coming back to the story is because I found my old laptop and found all the plans and stuff. I remembered how happy I got when reading the reviews and seeing how much of a hit this story was so I decided I was gonna continue it so I could at least say I completed one story. I would love to get back into writing honestly but I never had the time. So for at least the next few weeks I'm going to be updating, I don't have a schedule and I don't have a deadline but I do have a month of doing fuck all so I might as well do something useful with it, so welcome back to this story and I'll try and finish it :D

Naruto lay peacefully in Sasuke's arms as his breathing soothed him to a tranquil state. Sasuke's aroma filled Naruto's nostrils as the blond took a huge breath and sighed happily. Despite his lack of sleep Naruto still lay still while Sasuke slumbered, it was almost therapeutic to him. Naruto turned over to face his new boyfriend. Sasuke's hair was drooped over his face hiding his eyes, his mouth was slightly ajar yet no noise escaped it. Sasuke was lying on his side with one arm over Naruto and the other under the pillow that they shared. Naruto admired Sasuke's peaceful face. He looks so peaceful, he looks so calm. He always has this frown almost plastered on his face even when we're alone. I really hope he starts to feel better soon, but then again he has only been here for a few months... I've been here longer and shown almost no sign of recovery. Maybe we're doomed to stay here for eternity. Naruto sighed as his thoughts bounced around his head. Pictures of him and Sasuke in wheelchairs at 80 years old and still in the hospital popped into his mind. The blond's thoughts were quickly forgotten once a blood stirring scream came down the hall. Sure enough this screech woke Sasuke almost instantly.

"What the fuck is that?!" Sasuke demanded in a confused and still sleep fogged way,

"I have no idea.. It sounded like Sakura" Naruto answered from where he had been thrown once Sasuke had woken with such force, "she sounds like she's in trouble we have to go see!"

Naruto stood up and threw himself to the door of the room, Sasuke stumbled after him and the two burst out the room only to collide with Kiba and Gaara who had also heard the screams of terror.

"So you guys heard it too?!" Naruto asked once they all stood up,

"i'm pretty sure everyone in the damn hospital heard it, genius" Gaara said as he pulled Kiba and Naruto up from where they'd ended up on the floor, Naruto for the second time that morning.

"We should really go see if she's okay though" Sasuke said with a yawn and the three others agreed.

Kiba, Gaara, Sasuke and Naruto all hurried to the end of the corridor where Ino and Sakura's room was, they joined up with Neji and Lee who also seemed incredibly confused at the sudden scream. The group soon reached the end of the hallway and practically burst down the white door. Inside they saw Ino trying to calm down a hysterical Sakura. The pink haired girl was sat on her bed shaking in complete fear surrounded by red stains which covered a small portion of her white hospital bed.

"Sakura calm down" Ino said as she tried to get through to her friend.

"Why should I calm down?!" Sakura shouted shakily through tears, "I'm dying I'm dying this isn't meant to be happening what's wrong with me?!"

"There's nothing wrong! You're getting better!" Ino tried reasoning with her best friend but everything she said was ignored.

Gaara, Naruto, Lee, Neji, and Kiba were stood in the doorway frozen in fear fully believing that their friend was going to die. None of them had ever seen that much blood before, even Gaara was surprised obviously knowing fine well how bad it is to lose that much blood especially in one sitting. Sasuke walked calmly over to Ino and whispered something to her, the blonde nodded in return and Sasuke gave a slight smile.

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