Plans of escape

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Oh sweet sweet sweet wifi! I have currently not had wifi for A WEEK! As you can tell I'm surprised I survived that long xD So I couldn't update but I am now! My birthday on friday -happy face- so that's gonna be fun! Not much else to comment on... Got my hair cut again? Going to be doing my first cosplay soon so that should be something to look forward too... Check my profile for the links... Naruto doesn't belong to me, the plot of this story does though! I have also planned other stories so I might be publishing them but right now I have too much to work on with school and the cosplay and all that... Enjoy the chapter my fishcakes! (That's what I call my subs on the cosplay youtube channel btw xD)

However instead of seeing Sasuke smiling and checking his nails with beat up men around him, they saw Sasuke lying limp on the floor surrounded by his own blood.

"Naruto... You have to go back to your room... You'll get into a lot of trouble if they find you still here..." Shizune said as she looked up at the boy who was sat staring at the wall in a chair pulled up next to a bed, currently inhabited by a bandaged up raven.

"I don't care... What if he wakes up..." Naruto said slowly, not taking his eyes off Sasuke. The Uchiha had been badly beaten once Naruto had left, the men had taken him down and messed him up. Sasuke had luckily got away with no broken bones but had a lot of bruises and some cuts on his face, not to mention the amount of scratches.

"Then I will come and get you immediately... I promise" Shizune said, trying one last time to shift the kid that had been sitting in the same chair for two hours after Sasuke was took into the infirmary for his wounds to be taken care of.

"Please, Shizune... I don't want to leave him... I... I think I love him..." Naruto turned to look at her, his eyes bled innocence and his face read worry as he looked back at his sleeping crush. Shizune gave a small smile as she looked at him. In the seven months of Naruto being here, nearly seven as Sasuke had joined around a month ago she had never seen him so pure around someone else, sure he was always kind and happy around his group of friends but whenever Naruto was around Sasuke he seemed so relaxed and so at peace with himself, he seemed truly happy, like the world was finally starting to spin the way he wanted it to.

Nodding slowly she spoke again, "if that's what you want... I guess you can wait until he wakes up... Shouldn't be long now..." Naruto nodded as he stared at Sasuke's face. It was pale and flawless, or at least it used to be. His porcelain skin was ruined by a big bruise on his eye and a bandaged up cut on his right cheek. A strand of black hair was lying on his face, mocking Naruto as it was rebelling against the rest of the hair. The sleeping Uchiha looked so peaceful according to Naruto, so beautiful.

Bringing his hand up to the other boys face Naruto gently brushed the hair to the side. Sasuke's skin was a lot smoother on his face than anywhere else that he had touched. Eyes drifted from Sasuke's cheek to the ravens lips. Oh how Naruto wanted to kiss them. Not knowing how to deal with the emotions he was feeling, Naruto simply stared at the ravens face, lips parted slightly with a dazed expression imprinted on his face.

"You're looking like a love sick puppy" Shizune said laughing quietly, standing up from her desk and walking over to the other side of the room to look at some medication on the racks.

Snapping out of the trance and blushing slightly Naruto turned quickly to face the dark haired nurse, she gave a laugh at the flustered teenager and waved her hand dismissively, "I'm kidding I'm kidding."

Pouting, Naruto turned back to Sasuke who moved his head slightly to the right causing the blonde to jump up and almost scream with happiness. "SHIZUNE!" Naruto bellowed across the infirmary, "I THINK HE'S WAKING UP!" Jumping slightly at the sudden outburst, Shizune rushed over to the raven and checked his pulse and heartbeat.

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