Behind the scenes

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Can't... Do... ANYTHING! I've been procrastinating life and doing everything I can to not do important stuff, it's safe to say I have a problem. I've been doing too much video gaming, internet surfing, and cosplay planning... And stalking... Shut up okay? xD Well I really need to get this done so I'm gonna stop blabbing and update! Oh this is a chapter dedicated to the staff members memories and how much the teens have grown over their time of being in the hospital!

Disclaimer: Naruto doesn't belong to me sadly but this plot does, hope you enjoy the story :)

"Do you think it's possible that they could be getting better?" Iruka asked the other staff members as he drank from his cup of coffee. It was the time of the year when the staff members got together after all the patients were in their rooms and doing whatever fitted them and discussed what had happened over the few months and how their main patient was advancing with their treatment.

"It is, at least that's how it seems... Sakura and Ino seem to be getting healthier with time, if they keep it up they could leave in a few years" Kurenai said looking at Iruka then at Kakashi.

"Well Sasuke has defiantly settled it, it's too early for him to be given an estimated time before he can leave but if I had to then if he keeps up his attitude then he could possibly leave in about a year if I have to think about it"

"I agree, Shikamaru's psychical energy has increased, it's a good feeling to watch him mature through the years... Choji's eating disorder has improved as well which I'm glad about" Asuma said lighting a cigarette as he sat next to a vent that he was allowed to smoke around.

"If it was up to be you'd be in here you're addicted to them" Ibiki said chuckling evilly,

"good luck with that" Asuma said smirking before turning back to Kakashi, "how about Gaara?" Kakashi looked back and thought for a short period of time, Gaara was one of the more serious patients and had originally been given Tsunade as a therapist but he had gotten relatively saner, or at least sane enough to be given Kakashi as a therapist and access to the other patients.

"His cutting problem seems to have cleared up but his emotional state still needs some work but in due time I believe he will be okay, as for his boyfriend, we have no choice but wait until he is eighteen as Neji's parents don't want him. I feel bad for the kid, he has no reason for being here but he did meet Gaara so I guess it's okay maybe" Kakashi said before pulling out a book and reading it.

"Kiba's state has improved greatly" Iruka said again, "but we will need to provide evidence that he is no longer attracted to animals... It seems that no patients have taken an interest but there are those new ones aren't there? Joining soon?"

"Karin... Suigetsu... Jugo..." Kurenai said, "I have been given Karin while Asuma has Suigetsu and Jugo... Gai how is Lee?"

"Youthful" Gai said loudly and happily. The reason Gai had only one patient was due to his intense way of dealing with them, Lee was perfect for it. Gai doesn't talk to Lee as he knows that he can't sit still and instead run laps around the hospital for hours to drain some of the energy. "He is learning to sit down for about ten minutes without wiggling."

"That's great, it's an amazing improvement"

"So... Tell me about Karin" Kurenai said looking at Kakashi who had access to all the patient files. He sighed and reached into his pocket, pulling out a stack of folded paper and passed it to Kurenai who quickly scanned it. "I see..." She said.

"What is it?" Asuma asked, peering over his wife's shoulder.

"OCD... And bad, this could be tough" Kurenai said, chuckling at the mental image of her desk and her office as it was the messiest place ever.

"What about the others?"

"Jugo... Hm, schizophrenia and monophobia, that could be tough to deal with, he's obviously not dangerous, just lost in his head... And then there's Suigetsu... Hm... Weird, he doesn't have a reason, it just states his parents thought he was too weird to put up with..."

Kakashi took a gentle hold of the paper and pulls it out of Kurenai's hand and read it.

"Suigetsu Hozuki, seventeen years of age. Placed in hospital for body mutilation behind a reason of pointlessness. Suigetsu blah blah blah fish blah blah blah water... Basically we have a fish freak, Suigetsu has some sort of disability which allowed him to be born with fish like features, such as how long he can hold his breath and his obsession with water, guess it freaked his parents out too much... Oh wait no that's not the reason he's here, the reason is further along... He didn't scare his parents... Suigetsu drowned them."

I know this is really short and I am so sorry about it but this chapter wasn't meant to be really long it's just a short thing that adds a little story and a little behind the scene's action. I am aware that my schedule is fucked up but to be quite honest IDGAF at this point I'm just really tired. I'm sorry about this sorry excuse of a chapter it just had to be done but I promise that there will be a long and yaoi including chapter next week or whenever I get it out. Once again I am so sorry, I know I'm a terrible excuse of a writer but anyway I hope you enjoyed this small little thing, after all it was just to advance the story a little and show what goes on after lights out! :)

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