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"You're both being released on Monday"

The words echoed around Sasuke and Naruto's head all weekend, the weekend dragged on more than it ever had and the two hardly got enough sleep due to excitement. However, Monday soon enough rolled around.

Over the weekend Minato and Kushina had been contacted and told about Naruto's release, and so had Itachi. The two families had never been so excited for an event before and they even decided to meet up to get to know each other. Itachi spent the Saturday and Sunday unpacking in his new house and had invited Kushina and Minato over on the Monday as a big welcome home party for both Naruto and Sasuke, but that was a secret.

"Sasuke wake up!" Naruto shouted, jumping on Sasuke, "we're leaving today we're leaving today!"

Sasuke opened one of his eyes, growled at Naruto and pushed him off, "go 'way im sleepin.." Sasuke said in a groggy voice,

"Sasuke!" Naruto shouted and pulled the covers off of him, "get up! We have to go and get our normal clothes from reception!" Naruto shouted loudly so that Sasuke had no choice but to wake up and go with him.

"Okay fine I'm up I'm up" Sasuke mumbled and sat up and let out a big yawn. Naruto was wide awake, he was obviously overly happy to be getting out, Sasuke was too he was just tired at that point in time and wanted to go back to bed for an extra hour above everything else.

Naruto dragged Sasuke out of the room and down a long corridor which eventually lead to reception, they were handed their clothes and made their way back to their dorm so they could get dressed and take the rest of their belongings down to the common area for their release at 11am that morning.

After putting on the clothes they arrived in, years earlier, the two grabbed most of their stuff and headed to the common area where their friends were waiting. Most of them were holding back tears but Ino, Kiba and Sakura were in fits of tears. Naruto went over and hugged the three and handed them each one of his many plushies,

"these are for you, to remember me okay? I'll come visit you whenever I can but.." Naruto couldn't finish his sentence as he started crying too. Soon enough everyone was in tears and hugging each other and crying about how much they'll miss each other and how much they'll always love each other.

Soon enough their group hug was interrupted by Minato clearing his throat, the three, Minato, Kushina and Itachi, had been let into the common room to escort the two out. Naruto turned around and threw himself into his parents arms while Sasuke pointed out everyone and named them.

"Are you ready to go?" Minato asked and Naruto nodded,

"I have one last thing" Sasuke said as he turned around and grabbed something that he had Kiba hold for the time being.

"what is it?" Naruto asked,

"it's a little gift, for you, to remind us of this place and how many good memories it has" Sasuke said, Kiba started crying even more as he already knew what it was.

During their time in art therapy Sasuke snuck away from the small group and made something on his own, it took him a while but once he had finished he internally applauded himself because it truly was beautiful.

"What's that?" Kiba asked as he appeared behind Sasuke, Sasuke tried to hide it but had no luck.

"Is that a-"

"yes! But keep it a secret got it?"

"can I not just tell-"

"no! Nobody! Understand?!"


Naruto tilted his head at Sasuke but shrug his shoulders, "cool, what is it?"

"before I give you it I just want you to know that you will always be the love of my life, and you are the only reason I've made it through all of this" Sasuke said.

Kiba whispered something to Ino who instantly teared up and started passing around what it was, even Minato caught on once eye contact was made with Kiba.

"and I made this, so that even when we're out of this place we'll still be together, and before I give you it can I ask one thing?"

"what is it.." naruto whispered, taken back by the nice words Sasuke was saying.

"Will you marry me?" Sasuke asked as he pulled a makeshift ring out from behind his back, made from a marble stone and string.

"...Yes... yes I will, yes!"

Thank you for reading!

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