My saviour

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First video is finally up on my main youtube channel so if you go to my profile you'll find a link to that so after this go check it out! :D Uhm there isn't much I can say really on the subject of life other than I'm getting slightly more depressed every now and again and I'm panicking more but I'll be alright! The characters don't belong to me but the plot does! Oh yeah before we start I would like to say that I have officially decided to name the chapters and have named all of them along with the plan for them so I know that it should work! I will start now and put the chapter names in the start of the chapters so yay! Not much else to say other than on with the story! P.s sorry about the typos I might have in other chapters, I do know how to spell... I just type too fast... Like really fast xD I'm surprised I don't set my laptop on fire every time I update my Facebook status

"Do you think we should wake them up?"

"I dunno they look really comfy..."

"it's also soooooo cute!"

"Ino shut it we'll wake them up"

"but they are!"

"I'd hate to break it to you Ino, but Shikamaru's right, we will wake them up if we're too loud"

"but Sakura!"

Naruto shifted slightly on his pillow and blanket mattress at the sound of whispers coming from the other side of the room. The blonde had managed to drift off into a light sleep for about an hour, an hour and a half if he was lucky. Not wanting to move too far away from the heat source to his right he groaned to motion for the whispers to shut the hell up and let him go back into his trance even though Naruto new he wouldn't get back to sleep, but that didn't mean he couldn't lie there and no nothing.

Sakura, Ino, and Shikamaru froze at Naruto's groans. They all new from past times that when he was woken from his rare short sleeps he didn't want to move for god knows how long and if anyone made him move they would have a hell of a task.

"See! I told you we'd wake him up!" Shikamaru hissed at his blonde friend causing her to whimper and sink down back onto a bed,

"It's okay Ino" Sakura said walking over and sitting next to her trying to cheer her best friend up. Sakura hated seeing her friends miserable, she knew just how hard it was to be depressed for months on end so when she got put into therapy she promised she would try and make everyone happier.

After snuggling back into the weird heat source Naruto re-closed his eyes and let his mind wander, yet it somehow wandered to his raven haired roommate. 'Sasuke has such nice hair... It's so smooth... I wonder how he does it... His skin is so pale and so flawless... He's just like a porcelain doll... His eyes are so black, they always look so miserable and so unhappy... I wonder if I could ever make them show happiness... His plump lips... I wonder what it would be like... To... Kiss them...'

The thought fired Naruto out of daydreams and away from whatever he was snuggling into which soon groaned after being used as a platform for Naruto to fire himself off. The strange heat source soon sat up and the blanket slid off its head, showing the same mess of perfect black hair Naruto had seen for the past few weeks. Naruto's heart skipped a beat once he realized that the human heater he was hugging for the whole of the night was Sasuke, the blonde still didn't know the real reason behind these weird acts of accidental affection he was showing towards his roommate.

Rubbing his eyes with his hands and then looking around, glaring, Sasuke ending in catching Naruto's eye.

"Dobe..." Sasuke said, his voice laced with sleep, "why did you kick me...?" He sounded so innocent, so sexy and so... So... Sasuke! At least he did according to Naruto who was staring dumbfound at the Uchiha. "Well..?" Sasuke asked again, impatiently.

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