First sparks

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What's this? I've actually updated on time? What had the world came too?! Well there is one main reason why I'm forcing myself to update right now when I'm so emotionally screwed thanks to this comment left by someone amazing I ended up smiling at my computer and almost crying, dear that person (you know who you are) you're amazing and never stop being you! This is the comment: Hi! I am officially your fan :-) I just swallowed the thing whole :-) :-) nihihi i read it at ones like same obsessive fangirl ;) sad naruto didnt end sameway better honestly i know its impossible to be another way cos its without the syllable ai at the end like shonen i mean... i just wanted to thank you for writting...i love it...the blables at the begging and the end are amazing ( i can see myself iam doing the same) i am interested how your life is doing in the healthy way like sameone cares so keep doing it it always make me smile :-) :-) i think you dont have to worry so much about deadline i and iam sure all the others can wait little'longer so be more happy:-) :-) :-) ohh and if you enjoy yaoi try (jst ignore if you allready know) there are lot of naruto dj but its hard core so 18 and at you awn risk

I don't own Naruto but I own this story, told in sasu's P.O.V and if you liked it then please review! All reviews make me smile! :D

I remember everything he said to me. Everything to every last detail and it hurt me to be constantly thinking about what this poor kid went through. He had nobody and this happened to him, he had his innocence taken away from him in the most scary way possible. I wonder how much fear was in his heart and head while it was happening. I wonder how much it hurt... God Sasuke stop worrying about the kid he seems fine, he's always happy and he doesn't seem to worry about it ever happening again... I won't let it happen again... I know I won't. I'll risk my life if I have to... I don't fully understand why I feel the need to protect him but it feels right, like it's the right thing to do.

"Sasuke? You awake?" I heard Gaara asking me as he prodded my shoulder with a plastic fork. Snapping out of my thoughts I turned to look at him, he had a confused expression and was staring into my eyes.

"Yeah I was just daydreaming" I said quietly and looked back down at my toast and jam. Me and the small group were sat at a table eating breakfast, the reason I said it that way was I don't really think I'm an actually member of Naruto's group as I just started getting to know Naruto and all and well you understand I'm sure. Turning to look for the sun kissed blonde I noticed that he was talking to Kiba I think and Sakura I believe it was, the pink haired girl with anorexia. He was smiling and laughing at his friends jokes and it made me feel happy inside that the kid had finally found some people that understand him. Feeling he was being looked at Naruto turned and caught my eye, he smiled brightly and waved at me before turning away to encourage Sakura to eat the small plate of eggs.

The kid really is kindhearted... Caring for someone who you barley know simply because they looked more miserable than you, it's a gift not a lot of people possess... True kindness is hard to achieve and hard to maintain... The blonde truly is amazing for being able to smile and laugh at everything just to keep the people around him happy... Wait did I just call him amazing?

"Hey Sasuke!" Naruto's voice called out to me snapping me out of my thoughts once more causing me to turn to face him again, "what'cha thinking about? You seemed confused about something!" Naruto said and I just 'hm'ed and shook my head avoiding the question as it would be somewhat weird to ask him why I seemed to think he was amazing, especially after what I said last night. Thinking back to last night I sighed remembering why I said what I did.

"Hey Naruto...?"

"Yeah Sasuke...?"

"Did you feel it too?"

I still don't know what I was feeling, maybe it was happiness that he told me? Yet it couldn't be because I was scared for him, I mean that weirdo doctor was still here, he showed me to my room for Christ's sake, that would defiantly explain why he was under his blanket when he knew he couldn't sleep... Naruto was scared. Naruto was scared of what brought me to the room. Did he maybe feel better when he saw me there? Relieved maybe that the creepy doctor hadn't come back for more? Now that I think of it how many times did he come back? Did he come back after the first time? I don't want to ask Naruto about that but I can't help but feel curious... It hurt to think of the poor blonde being taken advantage of by such a heartless bastard! I felt myself getting angry and I knew that it was always hard to calm me down after getting pissed at something, god help me if I come across that pervert I'll rip his insides out!

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