Visiting day

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I don't have much to say other than I CAN'T STICK TO A DAMNED DEADLINE! FANFICTION WAS DOWN SO I COULDN'T UPDATE LAST NIGHT! THE WORLD DOESN'T WANT ME TO STICK TO A BLOODY DEADLINE! XD Okay I'll stop talking and get on with this story haha oh procrastination! I don't own Naruto but I own this story! Please review and tell me what you think of this chapter, all reviews are loved... I love every review I get.. I love every review you give me... I love you :3 Oh that is a sexy line... sasu's P.O.V

It's been about two weeks since I got here and to be honest it isn't as bad as I thought it was, I mean sure there are creepy people here that want your face and ass but other than that it's a quite relaxed place. I made some friends, some closer than other but hey I actually have someone to talk to now. Me and Naruto are able to laugh with each other and I've smiled a lot more, I feel excepted and not judged for my past here, it's a good feeling. I still haven't forgiven Sai for touching Naruto but it's fine the creep never comes anywhere near me or Naruto because he fears for permanent disfiguration I'm guessing. As I sat up and looked around the light room I saw my roommates bed empty causing me to wonder where the blonde moron could possibly be.

"SASUKE!" I heard him shout and a gush of yellow air came running into the room. I heard a crash and a groan and I realized that chances are Naruto had been showering and had came out, saw me and decided to try and run towards me but slipped on the floor and fell. Sticking to my idea I looked down and saw Naruto lying in a pile of clothes with a towel on, grinning cheekily up at me. Shaking my head slightly with half a smile plastered on my face I couldn't help but chuckle at the state my roommate gets himself into each day. No joke when I say if I had a microwave in this room I would come back one day from therapy and Naruto would have his head stuck in it.

"You alright in the head, dobe?" I asked laughing and he just grinned back up at me looking so innocent, this kid was so weird. Naruto got up after a short while and went back into the bathroom and started getting changed while I stood up and also changed, stretched then sat on my bed and waiting for Naruto to come out the bathroom again. Eventually he did.

"Do you know what day it is today?" Naruto said skipping over and sitting next to me. I was quite curious why he was so happy today anyway, what was so special?

"No.. What day is it?"

"Visiting day! I get to see my mom and dad today!" He said again and smiled brightly at me. I will admit hearing that made me sad but I can't ruin it for him, I know I won't be getting any visits but that doesn't mean I have to put others down, Naruto's my friend and I'm happy for him... Yeah... I'm happy for him.

"That's great dobe! Tell them I said hi k?"

"yeah okay! I'm sure they'll like you, you're my friend after all!" he was sounding so happy, they better actually turn up, I would hate to see this kid look so miserable after looking so happy.

One of the staff members, probably Shizune, knocked at the door and I watched as Naruto stood up to answer it. Yeah it was Shizune.

"Hey Shizune!" Naruto said,

"hello Naruto" Shizune said smiling and Naruto smiled back, "your parents are in the meeting room Naruto, i'll take you to see them now" she said and walked off. Naruto turned to look at me and waved bye and I smiled as he left. Yeah I was jealous, but just seeing him so happy in a place that you can't really be that happy in was amazing to me, that kid is simply amazing.

XxX Naruto's POV XxX

I followed Shizune to where I always go each month. Without fail my parents come and see me every visiting day each month and refuse to miss it. Yeah it's true I have only been here for over half a year but they still visit me once each month. If my mom and dad were to ever miss a visiting day I don't know how I would act. Shizune took me into the big room near the beginning of the place and I saw them standing in the room outside. Once Shizune pressed a button I was locked in and so were my parents.

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