Fashionably late

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I'm back from my holiday and I've updated again! Yay! Warning smut!

It had been a month since Neji had left, and rejoined, the hospital. Due to Gaara's recent suicide attempt the staff kept him in the high security area, but they also allowed Neji to stay with him as he seemed to be the only person keeping Gaara's will to live high enough to release him back into the regular security area of the hospital only a month later. During the time of Gaara's release the gang had been sitting in the common area watching some low resolution show on the old TV. The minute Naruto spotted both of them heading towards their usual sofa he jumped up off of Sasuke and ran towards them.

"Neji! How in the hell did you get put back in here?!" Naruto shouted as Neji shoved him off gently and joined the others,

"I'll explain in a bit" Neji said as he sat down in a spare place and pulled Gaara onto his lap and hugged him.

"Jesus you guys, both of you have scared us shitless in the past month don't ever think of doing anything like this again" Sakura said as she rubbed Gaara's knee from the spot on the floor she was sitting in,

"Sorry Sakura" Gaara said quietly and smiled at her as he rested his head on Neji's chest.

"Gaara!" Naruto shouted as he ran back over, "surely you know how Neji got put back in right?!"

"no, sorry Naruto, I never asked. I didn't really care, I was just glad he was back" Gaara said and gave a slight laugh,

"Naruto leave him alone they'll tell you eventually" Sasuke said as he patted the space next to him which was soon taken by the young blond now taking a huff.

"Naruto do you really want to know?" Neji asked and Naruto nodded quickly, "okay fine I'll tell you." After Neji agreed to opening up about his little plan the group crowded round him, obviously something they'd all been curious about after hearing Neji had returned. "Well, the reason I was put in here in the first place was for being gay, and the reason I was taken out was because my dad suddenly decided he cared and accepted me, but you see he never actually thought about if I was to ever get a boyfriend." The group seemed even more intrigued at this, especially since Neji has, on multiple occasions, devoted all of his love to Gaara. "So I decided to make a plan with a very good and very old friend of mine just to see how far I could push my dad before he snapped and threw me back into this hellhole where I belong until I'm 18 and Gaara gets released. The day I got back my dad had to go to work so I called Shino and asked him to come over. We'd stayed in touch through letters as we were childhood friends but sadly he wasn't put down on the visiting list because he wasn't blood related, speaking of that Naruto I have no idea how Itachi managed to arrange a visit with you"

"Itachi has a weird way of doing things and getting his own way" Sasuke interrupted,

"Well Shino came over and we hung out for a bit and then I told him of my plan. He was all down for it but was a little sad at the chance I might be getting put back in but he understood. So when my dad came home I took off my shirt and threw it across the room and Shino did the same, he lay on top of me so when my dad came back in it looked like a very awkward situation to walk into. So long story short my dad walked in, freaked out mega badly, threw Shino out and basically told me that if I didn't act straight I was going to hell and back into here, which basically is hell, so I gave the most proudest sentence I have ever said in my entire life"

"what was it?" Ino asked, hanging onto every word Neji said.

Neji cleared his throat, gave a little wink at everyone before saying "Sorry dad, I just like cock too much"

Sasuke choked on the water he was drinking while the girls went wide eyed. Naruto burst into laughter and Gaara stared at Neji,

"come on" Neji said, "the man's sensitive"

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