Passion Ayato x Reader Lime

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      The chains were tight around my wrist bitting into my already tender skin. If I moved any or tugged it would grind harshly into my bones. Sending shots of pain down my arm making me gasps softly.

  I knew he loved it when I struggled even slightly, it was one of the greatest trills for him to see me weak and helpless. He could do anything he wanted to me right now and I would be able to stop him. I would be unable to stop him even if I wasn't bound to my bed. But the chains just created a greater trill for him...and for me, by that I would ever tell him that. I would never tell him the excitement being bounded created for me. But I'm sure he knew even though I wouldn't say.

    Looking away from my restrains above my head I was met by vivid bright green eyes that made my heart stop within my chest before momentarily picking up again in a rapid pace.

     "Ayato." Whispering his name softly, I knew he would hear me, even though j could barely hear myself, and he could hear the desperation in my voice. "Please." I softly tugged at my bonds. He clicked his tongue in disappointment and the corners of his month turned down slightly.

    "I know you like it Pet." He reached up over my head and lightly ran his fingers over the chain. Before trailing his finger slowly down my arm leaving chill bumps in his wake. The cold of his skin contrasted greatly with the warmth of mine to the point of making me squirm underneath him. "Just admit it already." He softly purred, "And I'll reward you." Shaking my head in protest,

     "Never." I snapped towards him, making him smirk.

     "I've always loved how defiant you are." His finger met with my collarbone then trailed down to the valley between my breast. That when my body betrayed me and I lead into his touch making him beam with pride before taking his hand away. Leaving my skin to tingle longingly for his rarely soft touch.

     "Stop it." I hissed making anger mixed with pride flash in his eyes. He leaned down and his lips brushed against my ear,

     "I'll stop when I want to Pet." His words were harsh and his fangs roughly began to graze the soft skin behind my ear. Turning my head to offer him more access, he chuckled softly. Before piecing my flesh with his sharp teeth. Gasping his name over and over yanking my arms against my restrains yearning to wrap my arms around him and pull him closer.

     The pain that normally came with it ran through my body making me tense up underneath me and arch. In the agony of them moment I let my eyes fluttered shut and I wrapped around his waist and grind into him. His hard manhood created the pressure I needed and I let out a long low moan. That when he pulled away moving out of my reach, my blood dripping down his chin and dropping onto my stomach. He smirked down at me,

       "Can't waste any of it now can I?" He whispered and dipped down to lick the blood off my stomach. Arching into him and pleasing him.

      Ayato stood up and got off the bed, grabbing a knife I had on my desk. Walking over and straddling my again, he slowly he began to pierce my flesh with the sharpened blade. Dragging it down slowly, I watched has blood began to trickle out of the opened wound till I couldn't anymore. My eyes closed and the pain began to consume me, and my womanhood began to burn with a sinful need for him.

   "Please." I whimpered. With that leaned down hovering above my bloody belly and slowly began to lap up what had poured out. Closing my eyes, my body insanely weak from blood-lost and lust. 

    "Say it." He said between licks and I gave in to him.

     "I like it." I say it softly while the shallow cut on my belly be an to clot.

       "Louder!" He commanded, "Scream for me." And so I did I took everything in me and screamed the words loud enough for all to hear. On then was he pleased, smirking down with me. "I knew it, you would also end up submitting to yours truly." With that he began to reward me with his rough sadistic passion.

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