Ayato Sakamaki: wear that (sfw)

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     "Oi, princess, where this one!" Ayato commanded as he replaced your regular t-shirt with a small tank top.

"But Ayato, tch, it will so much breast! It's too small!" You huffed as you tried to glare at him while holding the top up.

"I know, so that's why your wearing it!" Ayato snickered, "Now get dressed or I will dress you!" He pointed to the bathroom which your marched into with a huff, nearly slamming the door behind yourself.


When you finally came back out, your chest was popping out and saying a loud greeting.

He didn't know it would show that much.

Ayato's hand shot up to his nose as he felt it run.

"Too much!" He blushed and looked away.

Smirking, you walked over to the blushing red head and leaned over. With that he lost it as he teleported away. But not before you saw his little buddy saying a greeting of its own.

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