Sakamaki: cuddling

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       The heat during the day when you slept was sweltering. (Since you go to night school with them you sleeping during the day.)

On top of that your cooling had just gone out. So now you were trying to think of ways to cool down.

Then it hit you, what better way to cool off then cuddling with your cooler than death lover?

So you picked up your phone and sent a text their way asking for them to teleport their plump butt over to your bedroom too cool you off. Which is what they did.


He did so silently, passing out before you did in your bed. While slowly sapping away your body's bothersome heat and replacing it with his ever present chill.

It did the trick as you passed out latched onto him like a kola bear. No that he minded.


"Honestly is this-" he was cut off by your shh. Which you promptly added,

"I'm about to have a heat stroke and my mind it numb from writing those essays. Now punishment and lecture me later but do your boyfriend duties now." You wiggled on your bed as he got under the comforter and pulled you to him.

It wasn't long before you were curled into him sleeping peacefully as he watched you with an observant stare and a soft smile.


"I knew bitch-chan couldn't resist me~ fufu~" Laito purred mistaking the text.

"No." And with a leg you pushed him away, "I called you to cool me down not make me hotter." You whined.

"Oh~ I can do that. Now first you need to get out of those clothes~"

No after many minutes of friendly banter you were tangled up in Laito, fully clothed and completely asleep. Any more on his part and you would pull him right back. Not that he tried to escape.


Seeing you sprawled on your bed and he chuckled and smiled as he climbed onto the bed, and latched himself onto you as you did him.

Holding each other like you would a teddy bear.

"So warm." Kanato sighed as he enjoyed stealing your body heat.

But you didn't answer as you drifted away into the land of dreams.



"Of course you want Your truly." But honestly he was just about to come anyways.

Due to a nightmare, so he was within seconds had his face nuzzled into your chest as he held you and the two of you fell fast asleep together.


"Tch woman why do you dare wak-" he stopped when he saw the sweating whimpering mess you were on the bed. And he rushed over placing his cold hand on your forehead before pulling you into his lap.

Right away you sighed as his cool skin did the trick.

It wasn't long before you fell asleep with him cradling you.

"Stupid woman, wanting me like this. Please never leave me." Subaru whispered as he kissed your cheek as he settled you into your bed with his body next to yours. 

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