Sakamaki: depressed girlfriend

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      It's been happening for a while now. He had been watching as his darling lover had been faking her happiness for quiet some time now.

He could see the way your eyes no longer seemed to sparkle and that your smiled wasn't always quiet fully there.

For a while now, he waited, hoping you would come to him with the problem when you were ready. But now seeing your carry on this burden. It squeezed at his still heart and wrenched his guts.

No more, he needed to see your smiling again, because for him it was like a breath of fresh air.


Instead of his normal nap, Shuu laid awake in the music room, thinking of things that could possibly make you smile again.

He sighed heavily, he even thought of asking his brother for help. But that would never do, it needed to come from his heart. Or he would never be able to sleep

"Troublesome woman, look at what you have done to me." Then it hit him, those cheesy thinks he saw those mortal makes do for their lovers in those movies.

But what song to play?

It would have to be for you. And you only, it needed to convey how special you were to him.

So the normally very lazy vampire set to work, for you.


Shuu took his time and was carful not let you in on his plans.

Finally when the time came, and it was perfection. When he had word that you were home alone. Shuu teleported outside of your room. With his violin in hand, he played the song loud and clear.

It was beautiful, conveying every emotion and all his passion he felt for you. In clear heartbreaking clarity.

When you stuck your head out you were speechless, the song he created causing the tears you have been holding back to spill. As a real smile, though mixed with tears, showed.

Shuu spoke as the song came to a close,

"I named it (y/n). I made sure just to make it as perfect as you are."


Pacing around his study, he couldn't focus, not with you consuming his mind.

What was the key to your, once again, happiness?

It was something he craved dearly. Because seeing you sad like this was like someone had carved a hole in his chest you were the only way to fix it.

But how could he?

Then it became quiet simple.

Right away, Reiji teleported into your bedroom, in your house. Only to find you weren't there....perfect. So he set to work.

By the time you got home from your job as a after school tutor at the library. You were greeted by rose petals placed carefully on the floor and on your bed.

Your bathroom door was open and soft music played gently from within.

Upon walking into the bathroom you were greeted by the sight of a filled and steamy bath that held the scent of roses.

The bathtub surrounded but candles giving the room a soft glow.

Tears threaten to spill when Reijj wrapped his arms around you from behind.

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