Ruki -Under the stars- nsfw

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(Sorry to the people that read the first one that I didn't update till now honestly I forgot about this story and I didn't think people would read it so I stopped but here ya go~)

        The two of you were sitting out under the stars on a black blanket. Both of you staring up at the millions on millions of stars in the inky black sky.

        Ruki's head rested on your bare thighs. Since both of you were dressed in bathing suits from swimming in the lake. He had claim he was tired and now was using you as a pillow. While your twirled his hair around your finger. Causing it to stick it strange ways when you were done. Making you giggling.

        "Tch is livestock messing up their Master's hair again?" He purred as he looked up at you with dark eyes. Which glittered with mischief and passion. "Maybe you need to he punished." He purred as he rolled over and got up.

          Lightly pushing you back and hovering above you. He lowered himself till he was above your tight.

        Grabbing your calfs he spread your legs apart, and a small burn began as the lust inside your sparked. Giving him all the encouragement he need to sink he fangs into your softly flesh.

      Your hips jerked with the sudden invasion of his fangs.

        Softly you moaned his name, as you tangled your fingers in his hair, and tugged on them.

        "Mmm~ livestock, darling." He groaned as he moved up so that his breath was hitting your clothes womanhood.

        Slowly he slid your bathing suit bottoms down. And his breath now hit you opening. As he placed his hands on your tights to keep your legs apart.

      Descending upon you, his cold tongue swirled around your flower's bud softly. As his moans send little vibrations through you.

     Gasping loudly and moaning his name out in pleasure, for your cry he rewarded you with his fingers. Which curled inside of you then spread apart. As he stretched you and teasing grazed your inner walls. Your hips bucked more and more grinding against his tongue. He could tell you were already so close. So he assaulted you even more mercilessly then before.

       Add more pressure with his tongue as his fingers went faster and faster. The speed building as you did. Till your came undone and his tongue and he eagerly and hungrily lapped up your sweet juices.

        Moaning loudly as he did so to show he delight.

       "Mm livestock, let's see how many times I can get you to come for me tonight." He moaned as he pulled away licking his lips.

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