Mukami: time of the month

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        They were doing everything they could to keep your mind off of it.

Even if it was just listening to you complain or fulfilling everyone one of your demands.

It was a small price for the boys to pay for the wonder that was being with you.


The two of you were curled under a blanket on an ocean of fluffy white pillows next to the fireplace. At a safe distance away of course.

As you say in his lap, your head resting on his heat. As one hand held the book in front of the two of you and the other softly messaged your bloated tummy. While he read softly to you.

Every once in a while asking, "Are you ok livestock?"


He rubbed the chocolate on your bottom lip as the two of you lounged in your pjs in his bedroom. Which he had a tv put into for you.

The tv played in the background as you two talked.

"Come on bite it kitten-chan." Kou purred as you finally bit into the rip justify chocolate strawberry. "Good yes~"


"Oi! No pouting." With that Yuma tossed you onto the bed tackling you as his large and long fingers roughly even across your stomach. Grazing every tickles spot on your body. Causing your to squirm under him as your love which he adored so much rang out loud and clear.

"Please, please, please stop teddy bear." You begged as finally he gave in.

Rolling next to you body and holding you too him.

"There's the flower's smile."


Azusa always could tell when you were about to start. How the soft and slight changed in your personality. Even before you knew he knew.

So right away he would stock up on movies and junk food. So the two of you could stay locked away in his room. Watching the movies as your ate junk food in each others embrace.

"What...about it...oh...your...asleep."

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