Mukami: goodnight kiss

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You lived in your own apartment, and they didn't always stay over and you didn't always stay with them. So they would always part you with a goodnight kiss before they teleported back to their house.


Holding you close he ran his hands through your hair and smiled slightly.

"Goodnight darling, I'll be here before you wake." He softly spoke to you as you only hmmed in responds.

Moving away slowly, he tucked the blanket around your body. Then hovering above you, he gave you a soft, sweet passionate kiss. As you slipped away into sleep.


Twirling your hair around his finger, he had already tucked you in. And you were half asleep. When he leaned over and placed a light kiss on your cheek. Before claiming you lips with such a light kiss you barely felt it.

Though sometimes he would deny it, he couldn't leave without a goodnight kiss.


"Night night sugar-cube." He whispered, as he was gentle in leaning over and brushing his lips across yours. His tongue darting lightly across your bottom lip.

Strangling enough loving the texture of your lips, so soft and plump.


" almost...asleep?" He whispered as he ran a finger down your arm.

Watching as your eyes fluttered shut, and your breathing slowed.

"Yours so...cute...when you...sleep." He smiled as he lightly kissed both of your eyelids. Then stole one from your lips.


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