Sakamaki: time of the month

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They wanted to distracted you from the hormonal changes occurring within you body. Which came with your monthly 'gift.'

So they took you shopping, hoping to keep a smile on your face. And your mind off of them cramped churning in your lower regions and sometimes the tenderness of your chest.


The two of you sat in the floor of Pet store. Where puppies wiggled around freely, as will as whimpered and yipped.

There was one puppy in certain that whose attention was focused solely on Shuu's headphone. And determined to get the vampires attention.

You say back, giggled and snorted, as Shuu grumbled holding the bi colored puppy arms arms length.

But that didn't stop it from wiggling and pawing at the air in a vain attempt to get Shuu's headphones.

"Awe can you get this one?" You managed in a fit of giggles, because through the annoyance there was joy.

"Tch troublesome woman, troublesome puppy.......fine, we shall call her Annoyance."


In front of Rejji you twirled in a simple white and form fitting dress. That brought out innocence in you more than anything. While teasingly showing the woman you really were.

"It's most flattering, to say the least." Normally shopping for clothes was something he cared very little for. But then again it had the perk of keeping you happy. So be it if it keeps him from his work. Your happiness was worth more. "Let's go get it, and some shoes, as well as jewelry to match. We can go to dinner. And yes I will pick somewhere that will be light in your stomach not to cause any distress."


The moment your face started to show any pain, Ayato tapped your nose with ice cream. Then promptly licked it off.

"Hey, quit it. That tickles!" Now your face was scrunched up not in pain but joy. Then made his heart sore as he himself chuckled.

"Yup the ice cream does taste better with princess." He gave a lopsided grin.

Rolling your eyes, "Your the best, dork."

"O-Oi." He stuttered as a bush tainted his cheeks. "Shut up princess."


What better why then a sweet shop to keep that smile he adored on your face.

Kanato smiled as he spun you around and when you stopped slipped a piece of candy inside your mouth.

All of a sudden he pouted, and fear started to naw at your stomach.

"I want some too. You going to have to share doll."

Right away you looked up at him with confusion before he claimed you lips as forced his tongue into your mouth.

"There we go, it's taste even better when I'm sharing it will you doll-chan. Awe that blush is so cute I wish I had a mirror."


Honestly you weren't shocked to find yourself in Victoria's Secret. After a while you had frowned used to Laito, but that doesn't mean he didn't make you blush.

Like for right now as he held up some panties with a grin.

"Mm~ bitch-chan~" he usual nickname and brazenness dragging attention your way.

"Laito, I'm not wearing a thong. Now put that down." You snatched it then an idea sparked in your head.

"How about this on you?" Holding a lacy bra up to his chest.

"I don't know bitch-chan, doesn't match my eyes to well." He chuckled his eyes sparkling at your joy.


The two of you were hand in hand as you walked through the mall together. While you happy are some ice cream.

Looking up at Subaru,

"Baru" this was a nickname that only you could get away with, "want some?" Right then pain flashed across your face from cramps.

"Tch that's it." And before you could protest, Subaru had picked you up bridal style. With a light pink face he carried you, glaring at the police woman that's as about got tell him to put you down. "I'm carrying you that's final!" He huffed.

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