Mukami: cutesy phone names

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      Your phone was just laying there out in the open. And they wondered, sometimes mortals would have nicknames for their lovers. You being a mortal would you have one for him?

The curiosity grew as they picked up your phone to find out.


My Lord. (Read in Sebastian's voice.)

He smirked as he saw the nickname,

"Livestock knows her places. I should reward her for this." Then he saw the picture with a photoshop crown on his head. He looked completely foolish. "Livestock is going to be punished for this."



The pop star smiled as you walked in and he sat your phone down.

"So I'm you Kou~Boo~ never knew you were into cutesy nicknames. Kitten-chan." He purred. "I like it."


🐻Teddy Bear🐻

"T-Tch name flower." Yuma stuttered as he blushed ever so slightly and placed your phone down with a huff.

Then he picked it back up hoping not to see what he saw. Which was a picture of him popping sugar cubes with teddy bears ears edited onto his head next to the name. "Damn it."



       "I'm her....kitten?" He questioned as he smiled. "Justin...I'm her...Azu-kitten....I my head..." He looked at the picture for his contact and phone him with kitten ears and a tail photo edited onto his head. "(Y/n)"

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