Selected Few: cutesy phone names

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      Your phone was just laying there out in the open. And they wondered, sometimes mortals would have nicknames for their lovers. You being a mortal would you have one for him?

The curiosity grew as they picked up your phone to find out.


Sleeping beauty, your name for him was sleeping beauty. And next to his name there was a picture of him sleeping. With little pink hearts surrounding his face.

Right away Shuu arched and eyebrow and snickered.

Sighing he sat the phone back down, close his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

'Tried' as you busted it and said his name with great exclamation.

Shuu smirked, "I do believe sleeping beauty must be woken up with a kiss."


King Dork <3

Ayato huffed as he saw the name placed for him. Then fumed when he saw the picture you chose was of him pouting with cake mix in this hair from him attempting to back.

The name he couldn't stand for whatsoever. So right away he changed it your 'Master'. Then gently slammed your phone down.



He couldn't help but chuckle as the clever nickname you had chosen for him.

"So my bitch-chan does have a sense of humor~" then he went to check out the photo was one of him laughing with little green hearts and stars placed around his face.

When you walked it Laito smirked as he threw your phone into the bed.

"Make me your Lai-how tonight bitch-chan." He moaned.


Baby Bunny.

"Tch, stupid woman." Right away his check flamed up as he went to check out the photo.

He saw a photo edit of him blushing with bunny airs and he just couldn't help it as he screamed.

"IM NOT A BUNNY!" As he accidentally crushed your phone in his hands. "Oops."

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