Mukami: cuddles

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The heat during the day when you slept was sweltering.

On top of that your cooling had just gone out. So now you were trying to think of ways to cool down.

Then it hit you, what better way to cool off then cuddling with your cooler than death lover?

So you picked up your phone and sent a text their way asking for them to teleport their plump butt over to your bedroom too cool you off. Which is what they did.


"Good livestock is supposed to reach out to their Masters. But perhaps you should stay with me till your heating is fixed." Ruki sighed then his eyes widen in shock as you pulled him down on to the bed.

"Less talk, more snuggling, plus my place is more private." You wiggled as you snuggled into him.

Quickly settling down into a deep slumber as you relaxed against him.


"You know I was in American right this better be an emergency." Kou smirked as he teleported from his hotel in America to your room.

"It's really important. I need your body." You tugged on his arm.

"Ahh~ kitten-chan is being so straight forward~" he giggled.

"No for cuddling, I'm hot your cold. Let's swap body temperatures." You smiled as your snuggled deeply into his side. And with you already being tired it was within seconds that your passed out curled into his side.


"Teddy bear~" you cooed mad you jumped into him wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Oi, damn it flower. Fuck your warm. Screw that hot." Yuma hissed as your seemingly searing hot skin pressed against his.

"Cool me down?" You softly questioned.

"Didn't come here just to stand here." Yuma removed you and flung you onto the bed before joining you.

Soon enough the two of you were softly snoring.


"Did you...want me? I be you." Azusa grin as you nuzzled into his chest. While giving a sight of contempt as his cool body temperature lulled you to sleep.

Running his hands through your hair, Azusa smiled as he closed his eyes too.

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