Nyx (oc) x triplets

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(Should I write more?)

Warning: incest

Nyx x Triplets

"Little sister is so cute isn't she?" Laito purred as he grabbed one of her violet-red locks and twisted it around his finger.

"She pretty and pale, she already looks like a doll doesn't she Ayato?" Kanato appeared in front of her sitting on the railing.

"And her blood is the best I have ever smelt." Ayato breathed in the back of her neck, "She is specially full figured." His hands rested on her hips.

"Her eyes such a light shade of green. I don't think I have ever seen that pale shade before." Laito grabbed her chin and made her look at him.

And has their attention was focused all on her, Nyx's heart hammered in her chest. As her skin set aflame. And she was sure she was blushing.

These were her brother, well half brothers, they only shared a Mother. Nothing more, but no on the less they were her brothers, half or not. But as their touched became more and more. A sparked had started in her stomach that was turning into a raging fire.

'What is this?' She whimpered softly within her mind as she unconsciously clenched her legs together. 'Why do they make me feel this way?' She gasped as Kanato and Laito neared.

The moon was full tonight, both in the demon world and the human world. Causing their thirst to double and for them to be at their rawest form of nature.

"Brothers stop." She whispered as she tried to removed herself from their hands.

"Her blood is getting sweeter." Kanato commented,

"She is clenching those sweet thighs together. What's wrong little sister?" Laito purred as he tugged at a lock of hair.

"You can tell your big brothers. We're here to help you." Ayato purred as he nipped at the outer shell of her pierced ear.

"Your making me burn. Please stop it big brothers." She whimpered.

Kanati grinned widely, "I love it when you whimper, do it again for your big brother

"Heh, Your truly is making you burn." Ayato's hand slipped lower.

"Tell us where." Laito encouraged,

"B-between my legs." She whispered and tilted her head back as her eyes fluttered shut. And her legs opened ever so slightly. As Laito slipped a hand up her shirk and lightly stroked her flower's bud through her panties.

Softly she shuttered, and her hips moved against his hand.

"Heh, the faces she making are so cute." Kanato grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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