Selected Few; G-cup

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       It was starting to get on your nerves, the stares from males and females alike. They were always looking at one thing, your large breast. Your breast were really out their daring anyone to ignore them and always saying a greeting.

So the stares always ranged from lust from the males, and some females, and disgust from females, and some males.

They made it hard to fit into shirts, they hurt a lot from time to time. And the idea of getting them reduced lingered now constantly in the back of your mind. That one day it just came out.


"Nufufu bitch-chan getting tired of her breast? Awe~" Laito pouted as he lightly poked the your breast which was straining against your top. "Now why would you want to do that?"

"Because everyone keeps staring. They don't see me, they just see these." Huffing, you crossed your arms over your chest, befriend heaving out a deep sigh.

Laito frowned and cupped your face, "If you do this, this is up to you. But don't do it because others. It's a part of you. Own it bitch-chan." The corner of his lips curled up as he leaned down to lightly kiss your nose.

"They are also heavy. It's hard for me to breath sometimes." You added, bitting into the inside of your cheek. While staring into his cat like eyes.

"Then go for it, just think on it a bit longer. I love your breast I really do, but I rather have your happiness and breathing. Just think on it. I'll pay for it if your really sure." Laito smiled genuinely, till spark of lust glimmered in his eyes, "But think about me too don't get them too small."


Once you told him what you wanted Azusa blinked and glanced down at your breast, staring till you squirmed under his gaze.

"I wouldn' you...want." Azusa smiled, while playing with your fingers. "Come on..lets...ask...Kou." With that Azusa took you to ask Kou. Who in turn, for his brother, gave you a great place. Azusa paid for it all and afterwards was beside you, helping with your recovery.

"Azusa-Kun how come you didn't object?" You questioned with a tilt of your head.

"Because it' love.not..your...body. Though..I"


"Tch they are big.." Subaru blushed as he looked anywhere else but at your breast. "But the reducing is up to you. I just worry you will get hurt, or kill. Tch can it kill you?" Subaru frowned then looked at you and at yours chest.

"You won't care?" Gently questioning,

"Your body doesn't matter to me. I just want you to be happy. Plus they are very huge, a reduction could be good. You can breath easier and they won't hurt so badly."

Not believing him, "You won't be attracted to me any less?"

Subaru blushed as red as his eyes an smirked, "I'll love them just as much afterwards. I'll worship them."


He pouted as he spun you around and pulled you into his lap. Which smashed your breast against his.

He was going to protest, but saw the distress in your eyes and softened up.

"Fine, Your Truly will take you but they can only go down to a C!" He smiled, and lightly rubbed his nose against yours. "I don't want you being a pancake on me now."

Then though meant to be comforting only made it worse. Would he loose interest in you if you did this.

Reading this in your eyes Ayato cleared those thoughts away. "No, though it what got my attention it's not what made you mine. That was your personality, don't ever change that princess."


"I do supposed this would clear up a lot of problems for you." Ruki mused. "And it is my job as your Master to take care of you and keep you happy so sure. I'll find a place and set up an appointment for you." Ruki had no problems with the idea. It was your body after all and it was quiet troublesome for your breast to be this big.

With this you let out a relieved sigh and smiled.

The past worry was clear though,

"Was livestock doubting her Master's love for her. Not just her body but beyond that to who she really is. Because what would you need to have breast if you have that personality. Plus you are already womanly enough."

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