Sponge Awakening✔️

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I woke up to the sound of the SpongeBob theme song playing loudly from downstairs. I let out a loud, annoyed groan. Once again, this yellow square with holes woke me up from my beauty sleep. And trust me when I say this, but it's very much needed. I might be a tad insecure, but that's not the point.

I picked my phone up from the nightstand, hopeful that I might've became popular over night. It would be a miracle for that to happen.

I roll on my bed, meaning to land on more of my bed. Life wasn't having that, though. Instead, I rolled right onto the hard ground. I met the floor with a loud crash and I felt like I had broken a few bones. Would it be bad if I said that wasn't the first time this has happened? I'm so elegant, I know.

I push myself off the floor, acting like nothing happened, even though there wasn't anyone around to see what happened. I headed over to the bathroom. I showered quickly, which is strange. I always take my time, but today felt different. I felt like I had to hurry up and go downstairs, like it was my calling or something. I got dressed and did my hair in a hurry too. I have a gut feeling that something is going to be different.

I decided to wear sweatpants and a baggie sweatshirt. I was feeling lazy today and people say to express yourself through your clothes. I feel like that's exactly what I did. No one will ask me to do anything because they'll know I'm lazy. It's a weird logic that probably doesn't work, but a girl can dream.

As I exited my bathroom, I noticed something. SpongeBob finally shut his pie hole. This can only be good or bad. No in between, but fully one or the other. To me the good is he is no longer giving me a headache with his annoying voice and laugh. Then the bad thing is something must've happened and I don't know what.

I walk out of my room and go downstairs to the kitchen. I look around and there isn't anybody on there.

"Mom!" I called out unattractively and began to go to the living room that is by the stairs.

I walk into the living room, my body slumped. And at that moment, I realized why I felt so rushed. Like something big was going to happen. We have company and I now have five pairs of eyes on me. I can feel each pair boring holes into me.

I straighten up and look at the bodies to whom the eyes belonged to. One was my mom, her brown straight hair in a ponytail, nicely dressed, and wide eyed.

Another is my brother. He's seven years old and has blond hair. He was also wearing nice clothes.

That's when I noticed that I still had three pairs of new eyes on me. One was a women who has blonde curly hair. There was a little girl who had the same hair as what I assume is her mother. Then, to my luck, there was a highly attractive dude. He looked about my age, seventeen.

His eyes are brown, easily reminding me of melted chocolate. He had brown, short, spiked hair. He was wearing jeans and a simple white short sleeved shirt. It was a simple outfit, yet it was so pleasing to the eyes.

I must've been staring too long because my mom cleared her throat, causing me to look over at her.

"Why don't you get some lemonade, Malia?" My mom asked.

I shook my head quickly and left the room. I was feeling a little flustered and I don't think I can be blamed for that. We have company and one person is a very attractive person. And I look like a total slob today. I wasn't even informed about this.

Once I made it to the kitchen, I opened the fridge door. I let the cold hot my cheeks, which I'm sure were a bright red color. I looked around a bit, seeing what we have and didn't have. Finally, I pulled out the lemonade and filled five cups. I grabbed two on each hand and walked back to the living room, handing one to my mother and the other one to the woman that was visiting.

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