mac coyle - blue frosting

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today is the 5th of july, mac's birthday. i don't think she wanted anybody to know, probably because we had a lot of other things happening. i only remembered because she very briefly brought it up in one of our conversations.

at the moment we were stuck in the year 1999, thanks to larry.

i snuck away, using some of the money that we had stolen to buy something special for mac. she doesn't really talk much about herself, so i don't really know what she likes.

i thought about just getting a pack of chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting and sprinkles. i sighed, knowing she doesn't like the colour pink. i saw a pack with blue frosting instead of pink frosting and thought that might be the better choice. i also bought a pack of birthday candles to put on the cupcakes.

i smiled, grabbing the pack up cupcakes and buying them. i walked back to older tiff's house and opened the door slowly. no one was here, except for mac, she was asleep on the couch.

i carefully took the cupcakes out of the bag, putting one on a plate and sticking a candle on it. i lit the candle and walked over to mac.

i set the plate onto the coffee table and shook her awake. she groaned and rubbed her tired eyes.

"morning, sleepy head" i smiled, sitting down on the other end of the couch. she propped herself up on her elbows, looking down at the cupcake.

i picked up the plate and handed it to her, "happy birthday, mac"

she rolled her eyes, "i can't believe you remembered" she took the plate from my hands and blew out the candle.

"of course i remembered, i'd never forget your birthday"

she swiped her finger across the top of the cupcake, sticking it into her mouth and humming at the taste of the icing.

"pretty good" she muttered, "thanks"

i smiled, setting the plate down onto the coffee table and pulling her into a hug. she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.

"love you..." i heard her mumble.

"love you too" i smiled.


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