mac coyle - i love you, i love you, i love you

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mac pushed me away when i leaned in to kiss her cheek, "stop fucking doing that" she muttered, putting her cigarette back into her mouth.

i frowned and looked away, my body faced the tv as i moved further away from her.

"y/n..." i heard her mumble, her voice was raspy as i felt two of her arms wrap around my waist, she put her cigarette out and nuzzled her head in my neck.

"i'm sorry... don't like when you're sad" she whispered, moving my hair to the side and leaving featherlight kisses up my neck.

i held her hands in mine as i leaned back into her, she ran her fingers through my hair, while i traced patterns on her hands with my fingers.

mac can sometimes get angry about things, then feel awful and apologize right away. she won't let me go until she reminds me how much she loves me a million times.

"i love you, i love you, i love you..." she spoke, kissing all over my face, making me laugh.

"i love you too, mac" i giggled, turning around and facing her. she smiled and grabbed my cheeks, kissing my lips and grabbing my waist, pulling me closer to her.

when she pulled away i rested my head on her chest. she continued to comb her fingers through my hair.


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