mac coyle - softie

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"maaaaccccc" i whined; tugging on her jacket sleeve. she looked down at me and flicked my forehead,

"what's up?" she laughed as i swatted her arm away. we were both laying down on the couch, my head rested in her lap as the movie continued to play in the background.

"i'm booorrreeedd" i complained; covering my face with my hand and turning back towards the screen.

she laughed again and tucked my hair behind my ear, she stroked my cheek and fake pouted, "aawwww poor babbbyyyy" she joked.

i sat up and crossed my arms, "come on mac, let's do something else"

"like what" she huffed.

"let's talk!" i exclaimed, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and pulling her so her head rests in my chest.

"about what" she snorted, snuggling her head further into my chest and wrapping her arms around my torso.

"dunno..." i mumbled and ran my fingers through her hair. she was just so pretty.

"let's not talk" she sighed into my chest and closed her eyes.

"tired mackie?" i joked, she nodded,

"yeah, you're comfy" she said "so soft..."

"you're so cute mac, a big softie!" i laughed.

"shut uuupppp" she groaned.

i giggled and continued playing with her hair, "mac's a big softie" i whispered.

"only for you" she sighed, closing her eyes again.

i placed a single kiss on the top of her head and smiled, i wish we could just stay like this forever, just me and her holding one another.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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