mac coyle - window

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my eyelids felt heavy as i stared at the pages of my book. I sighed, closing my book and letting it rest on my pink cotton sheets.

i looked down at the watch on my wrist. it was already 10:30. i set my book down on the table beside my bed and switched off my lamp.

as i turned my body to the side, there was only one thing on my mind, and that was mac coyle. she had a habit of sneaking through my windows at 10:30 on most nights. that's when her step mom and dad fell asleep.

she'd usually stay the night, only saying she would because of how comfortable my bed was, but i always hoped that she came because she wanted to spend time with me.

we were both paper girls, i met her through my friend tiffany. mac was pretty well known in stony stream, she was the first paper boy here who wasn't actually a boy.

i sighed; i guess she wasn't coming tonight.

just as i closed my eyes, there was a small noise heard from outside my window. i couldn't help the grin that spread itself across my face.

i shot up, pulling my curtains to the side and popping the window open.

i smiled down at mac as she lifted her arm and waved up at me. there was a small latter outside she used to climb up.

i grabbed her hands and pulled her in, closing the window quickly.

i turned around to see her already on my bed, she was laying on her back, and smiling up at me.

"how's my favorite goody-goody?" she laughed sitting herself up and grabbing my hands. she pulled me onto the bed.

i rolled my eyes and sat up, "i thought you weren't going to come tonight" i said.

"how could i not? i wanted to see you"

mac lay back down, her fingers threading through my hair. i turned my head away to try and cover the blush that crept up my cheeks.

i heard her chuckle lightly, "didn't you want to see me too?"

i looked back at her "of course i wanted to see you"

she smiled again, sitting herself up. she fiddled with the little bow on my pj shirt.

"have you ever... kissed anyone?" she asked me.

i quickly shook my head no, "n-no, have you?"

"nope" she replied, "can i kiss you?"

my cheeks heated and my mouth was dry, "w-well uh... yeah, you can kiss me" i stuttered.

she placed her hands on either side of my face, inching her body closer to mine as she connected our lips.

she moved her hands from my face to hold mine. she pulled away with a smile.

my cheeks were tainted a bright red as she lay back down on my bed and stretching her arms above her head before kicking off her shoes.

i shook my head and pulled my pale pink comforter over the two of us.

mac grabbed my cat stuffed animal and placed it between us, "'night goody-goody" she whispered.

"goodnight, mac"


A/N hope you guys enjoyed this, i also decided to make all the girls older than 12, like they were in the show, so they are around 14/15 in this imagines book. please let me know how you liked this and if you have any requests on which of the girls you want me to write about next.

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